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I m new and confused ...A little help please..

Guest sparksoftempest

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Guest sparksoftempest

I joined today , because my hubby and his friend had this bright Idea ,they will find parts to vintage vehicles, bring them home , and tell me to sell them on line ...OMG ..Been researching for days and came up with an Idea myself ..Join an automobile club ..Then I can learn all I need to ,so the next time the hubby restores something I will be able to help,,Hmmm Yesterday they brought me a Radiator housing to an old Ford all they said was it is a 1932 ford grill housing ..so today I m proving them wrong ,but I have questions ..I can send pics to anyone who is interested in helping me ..thanks

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Guest sparksoftempest

Ok let me take more ,sorry if I seem a bit retarded, but this is all new to me .. but I am eager to learn and profit from there little Idea .. They think they r the smart ones Hmmmm lol

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Guest sparksoftempest

I found out that is is a 1930 model A radiator housing ,Passenger..But I need to know what it is comparable with Model AA ? I have taken a few there seems to be a stress crack on the bottem ,Is that bad ?







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Guest sparksoftempest

Thank u I also figured that out early this morning Ugh I have some new 1969 chevelle rear door panels ,it looks as if they r pricey ?




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Welcome to the AACA Discussion Forum. If you need help identifying parts, there is a "What is it" forum that you will find a little bit lower on the page here. If you trying to sell something, there is a Buy/Sell Forum also a little bit lower on the page here. Be sure to check out the Buy/Sell Forum rules before you start listing items for sale. When attempting to sell anything online, it is important to identify what you have and do some market research on value before attempting to sell. The forum rules require you to state a price in your ad. If you are a hobbyist attempting to help other hobbyists the forum is one of the best places to sell antique car parts. Another good alternative if you are just attempting to get top dollar is to list items on Ebay. Ebay probably gets you the largest exposure to potential buyers that you can get. Here on the forum, or on Ebay or elsewhere, highly detailed descriptions, detailed quality photographs without distracting backgrounds typically help increase your success when selling online.

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There seems to be plenty of people using this forum to identify parts that they then intend to sell. Forum members seem to enjoy trying to identify the parts and don't get too annoyed by the profit angle.

My general comment to friends with business ideas is to "Do what you know". It is generally hard to jump into something you know nothing about and make any money at it. There are many many forum members who are experts on particular cars & parts yet they lose lots of money on the hobby. Buying and selling can be profitable but it is not easy money. That said, I wish you luck.

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