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NOS 1960s Full Size Rear Overall Floor Mat (Electra, Wildcat, LeSabre)


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  • 2 weeks later...

And he has posted on the forum in the last couple days, so he's around, it's not like there's a medical emergency.

What it comes down to is, this guy's word is no good. He offered, he named the price; I asked for pics; he showed them to me, I immediately said I'd take it and expeditiously sought to send a check. It's not like he had to wait any time at all for my reply. And I tried to contact him at least four times. If he got a higher offer elsewhere and took it, after dancing around with me at a price HE named, that I didn't haggle with, well, that's life in the big city I guess. No big deal, I'm not out anything except time.

But this guy's word is no good, pure and simple. That doesn't play well in the Buick community, does it guys?

And furthermore: when I found him on another thread yesterday commenting about finned aluminum valve covers, I posted there to get his attention. It worked; he gave excuses naturally, and bawled me out for being there. But he sure didn't come over here to clean up his mess. No matter how good the excuse, I don't understand how a guy has time to idly post in another thread, but not follow through on his own advertisement, therefore responsibility.

He says he wasn't offered any more for the mat. Whatever. I don't care, and that's obviously not the point anymore. I don't want it, even for free. John (from Macungie, white Riv above), you are up.

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Yes, saw the postings on the valve covers thread and see the fuss. He goofed, but I might have too, as he probably had his thoughts a bit scattered lately. Heck, I've never cared for those full length things much anyway and have pulled them out of my cars-or cut them apart. I know, it's the principal of the thing- and a guy that called dibs (I haven't heard that in probably 50 years!)is spun up, but good grief-it's small spuds

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I know, it's the principal of the thing- and a guy that called dibs (I haven't heard that in probably 50 years!)is spun up, but good grief-it's small spuds

And so we let basic human moral behaviour just fade away....one small spud at a time.......

Peace WildBill

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You're right Lap; I really don't care about the mat, and I wouldn't have even investigated or commented again had I not seen the discussion here about backdoors being carried on. Small spuds indeed.

But Bill's right: small spuds overlooked become big spuds. And this guy makes the goof, doesn't know how to man up when caught, and blames the victim.

And....still hasn't shown himself on this thread.

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  • 2 months later...

I can't believe someone wanted to cover the rear carpets of a '60 Buick with a piece of rubber. I keep small shoe bags in the trunk for riders. I even have a couple of big fluffy towels for the spicy food eaters to sit on.


P.S. I only use the bags once and if I give you the towel at the end of the ride, it is probably your last ride.

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You're trying hard. I understand that you're angry and want to harm my reputation. If that's how you choose to spend your time, I have no control over that. Remember, this all started because you were upset because you had the understanding that I sold the Rear Overall Mat behind your back (for more money) becuase you had not heard from me. That was not the case. In fact, as I mentioned I was dealing with family across the country.

I recognized that I offered the mat for a low price and really just really wanted to offer a good deal to someone who could use it more than I . . and when you said that you wanted it, I can tell you that I had five or six offers shortly thereafter after that for more money and turned them all down. You ultimately decided that you no longer wanted it, making it available to the open market. I listed it on ebay and it has been sold to someone who read this thread. I haven't read the other comments or folks' impression of your position. Again, I have no control over that. This is supposed to be a hobby. Yet, you choose to stalk me in an effort to say I don't keep my word. I neither stole from you nor sold you something defective. This was a communication problem. Could I have handled it better? Of course, but then again, you should should have approached me better and not assumed that I was being underhanded. Life just got in the way. It happens. All that I can say is that it's unfortunate that you've had a bad experience with me. It wasn't intentional. I can tell you that some who have purchased my items have read this thread and that people who purchase my items on ebay are ALWAYS satified with what I offer (hence, my 100% rating). Many reading this I'm sure have purchased my reproduction aluminum Super Wildcat decal because it's the best available and everyone who bought one has been satisfied by any measure including product quality, packaging, shipping, and price.

All that I can say to others is that if I'm selling something that you can use and you don't want to buy it based one man's experience in which he was neither harmed, misled, nor been told lies, then there's not much I can do about that; however, if you need an item and whether you've purchased from me in the past or not, then you know that I will continue to deliver quality and value on exceptional items that are either difficult or impossible to find elsewhere.

That's really all that I can say.

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No effort at all really. Not angry, but this kind of thing can't be left unaswered. You've harmed your own reputation; I think you expend more effort avoiding admission of your responsibility.

No Patrick, "this all started" when others here made observations about your behavior (see above); my understanding was that we had a straightup deal and you stopped responding to repeated attempts at contact, while still posting on the site elsewhere. It really doesn't matter why you stopped. Others here suggested the "back door" idea, not me (see above). I "ultimately decided" I didn't want it when you steadfastly didn't respond to any attempt at contact, again while active elsewhere on the site. You didn't even step back into this thread, as you are now, when you should have: when you were under fire. It's now 2+ months later! Heck of a coincidence that you are simultaneously quite active trying to sell several other items. And now, you even contradict yourself by saying you were offered more for the mat and turned those offers down; back then, you said you were not offered more. Don't try to say I should have tried to approach you better; I tried quite respectfully 4+ times with no response, and didn't say anything else about it until others observed your un-standup behaviour (again, see above: note the 9-day gap between my last attempt to contact you and WildBill's entry). Of course, no deal was utimately consummated, but a man's only as good as his word. Therefore, you indeed did mislead and do harm. You welched on a deal, doing nothing/staying silent about it even when it was pointed out to you by multiple people. How is that not a lie? Amazing how when a welcher drops the ball it becomes "a communication problem". Spare everybody the BS, quit trying to spin the blame on to me, and man up.

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