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Seeking Chrome Plater that re-engraves script on parts


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I need my 1917 Maxwell hubcaps re-nickeled and am worried the Maxwell script will be blurred or filled in by copper plating used to hide the flaws. Has anyone had experience with a plater that will re-engrave script while it is in copper so it appears as new when the last coating is applied? Howard Dennis


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Guest Al Brass

Maybe a trophy shop might offer engraving and may be able to arrange for the replating to be done. You might struggle to find one place that does both.


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I run a home based engraving shop. It is possible to do this sort of thing, but it is not really the type of work that I do regularly. With my type of equipment, I would have to create an electronic file to replicate the engraving pattern, and then farm out the plating. I would suggest you deal with your selected plating shop, who could probably simply deepen the engraved area a bit manually to make it appear as original when it is re-plated.

Other than that, there is another forum user who has posted previously about doing engraving on similar automotive parts. This user is:

View Profile: scott@jchadwickco.com - AACA Forums

You might send him a PM and ask him about it. I think this is the sort of work that he does on a regular basis.

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I used Joe Kostelnik, Greensburg, PA. I believe he does the engraving work for Paul's Plating, Evans City, PA (near Pittsburgh). On a cap like yours, they would add a layer of solder underneath the script and have Joe over empahsis the existing script, so when it goes through the normal plating process, the script won't disappear.

Edited by Friartuck (see edit history)
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