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Stromberg H3 issue

Stutz in the UK

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Guest Fernando Manuel
Dear All, I have a Stromberg H3 Carb on my 1917 Stutz. The car starts and runs well but after long high speed runs, the car runs very rich. Once left to stand for a while the car runs fine again. Any ideas please? Thank you.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Estimado, no es seguramente la respuesta exacta, pero uno de los factores probables está en el Octanaje del combustible,Saludos Cordiales.

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Guest Fernando Manuel

Estimado Señor, Supongo que está usando gasolina que es demasiado buena para la relación de compresión del motor de 1917. No tengo a mano referencias de Octanaje de 1917 pero estoy casi seguro que eran valores inferiores a los 95 ó 98 de la actualidad, eso generaría el encendido a destiempo de la mezcla, que produce vibraciones, golpeteos y un funcionamiento desparejo. Saludos Cordiales.-

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Dear Layden, I do not have a pipe fitted and did wonder about icing. What should the pipe be made of please? I asume the bottom of the H3 where the inlet is, can be adjusted to swivel round to face the 'Stove' in the exhaust manafold? I seem to re-call seing a picture of one you were selling where the inlet faced a different direction than on my car? Thank you for your reply

Do you have a hot air pipe to the carburetor. If not, you may be condensing and freezing water on the inside of the manifold. When it thaws out, everything is fine again.
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