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Antique Fire Truck Photography Collection

Guest firetruckworld

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Guest firetruckworld

During a 10 year bicycling journey throughout a good portion of our world, I dedicated part of this adventure seeking out antique fire trucks. By the time the money ran out, I had pedaled 160,000 miles and photographed 500 different antique fire vehicles. The photos were stored away for 20 some years before scanning them and now having them on the internet. Historically, little more than the place where they were located is listed, though on each photo there is a comment section where visitors can provide information if known. Presented in chronological order,it is a great place to visually learn about fire-fighting vehicle history, from the 1600's, up to the 1990's.

These photos can be seen at: www.firetruckworld.com Here are a couple examples:






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