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Student memberships


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One of our members is asking about student membership costs. The current online membership form doesn't show the costs, and I can't find the information anywhere else on the site. Can anyone tell me where to get this info?<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region

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Jan & Peter,<P> I couldn't find the Student Membership info on line either. The current Application For New Membership in hard copy does have the info as follows:<P>Student Membership (ages 16-25).....$12.00<BR>Enjoys voting priveileges, receives the bi-monthly issues of ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE magazine, is eligible to join an AACA region and/or chapter and is eligible to exhibit cars and compete for national prizes and annual awards. Person must be in a school or a higher education. Applicants must include copy of student identification or proof of enrollment.<P> I'm curious about this class of membership too. Does anyone know how many of our members are in this class? <P> Tom (Sure wish I qualified)<BR> <P>CLARIFICATION: This post includes a reference to the current Membership Application. Apparently the form was revised within the past year to include the Student Membership. These revised forms were sent to your Region Secretary this year. Previous editions including those distributed last Summer, did not have Student Membership information.<P> I'm sure glad you asked the question Jan. As recently as last weekend I was distributing the old superseded version and never noticed the change.<p>[ 06-16-2002: Message edited by: Deering ]

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<B>Its clearly stated on the membership page:</B><BR> <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/membership/membership.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.aaca.org/membership/membership.htm</A> <P>Junior Membership<BR>Any child up to 15 years old may join, whether or not parents are members of AACA. Dues are $10.00 per Junior Member per year. Junior members will receive one Membership Card, one Membership Badge, and a Newsletter four times a year, February, May, August, and November. <P>Special activities are encouraged for uniors at National (and local) Meets. An educational program is planned to acquaint uniors of AACA history, its structure and mission, and a general overview of vehicles and their workings, plus a basic understanding of the judging system, all at a level they should find interesting and entertaining. <P><B>It's also on the online membership application form:</B><BR> <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/membership/applicat.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.aaca.org/membership/applicat.htm</A> <P>Junior Membership - $10 <BR>Junior members will receive one Membership card, one Membership Badge, and a Newsletter four times a year, February, May, August, and November. Ages eight through fifteen are eligible. Any child may join, whether or not parents are members of AACA.<p>[ 06-16-2002: Message edited by: peterg ]

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I'm confused. This thread started out asking about <B>STUDENT</B> memberships. <P>When and how did we move to <B>JUNIOR</B> memberships, something which has been in place for many years?<P><B>STUDENT IS NEW --- JUNIOR IS OLD HAT</B><P>Am I the only one confused, or is someone else? confused.gif" border="0 ~ hvs<P>I see Tom Deering came in while I was writing. Now we both know who is confused. wink.gif" border="0<p>[ 06-16-2002: Message edited by: hvs ]

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It obvious that a lot of people are not aware that there are 2 younger AACA memberships for people 25 years or younger. <P>Junior membership is up to age 15. To find out the details of this membership, you can go to the junior web page. <P><A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/junior/wheels/junior.htm" TARGET=_blank>Junior memberhip info</A><P>Student membership is ages 16 to 25. This is outlined on the Junior web page by Doug Drake on the 'Glad You Asked' page. Please refer to the 2nd paragraph.<P><A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/junior/mailbox/gladuasked.htm" TARGET=_blank>Student membership info</A><P>Hope this help!

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More on-line info related To Student Membership program can be found in the Summer 2001 issue of The Rummage Box titled: "AACA Unveils Student Membership Program." I just checked to insure it was still on line before posting.<P> There doesn't seem to be a lot of publicity in the more popular publications that reach the majority of our members regarding this program. I stumbled across it by accident at a Philadelphia seminar in 2001.<P> Tom<P> Peter, you have a lot of company when it comes to awareness of this program. Don't feel alone. We sure didn't go broke buying ink to publicize it!<p>[ 06-16-2002: Message edited by: Deering ]

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Thankfully, I was able to find the info I needed in that Rummage Box just after I posted my message. Like the rest of the posters, I hope we update the online membership form soon to reflect this new category. This could become a very popular membership option!<P>One more question: What are other regions and chapters doing about Student memberships? Do any of you have a comparable local Student membership?<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region<p>[ 06-17-2002: Message edited by: JanK ]

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