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Exhaust pipe gasket sealant


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The gaskets for my exhaust pipes are going to be here tomorrow and I'll be ready to install the whole exhaust system. I'm assuming I need to use a sealant on the gaskets. I'm also assuming I need a high temp sealant? Can someone recommend a brand or what specifically I should use? Or correct me if I'm not to use a sealant at all. Thanks!

(1953 Super V-8 with new aluminum exhaust)

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Guest NikeAjax

You don't need, or want, any sealer for your exhaust system: just make sure all the nuts and bolts are really snug! As I was told by an old timer, the heat, and eventually the carbon, will seal everything up! Gosh, you really don't need one for your exhaust-manifold either--really! The junk they make gaskets out of now is just that, junk... just make sure your manifold is straight, and tighten to spec. A new gasket will last about, mmmm, maybe a year, at best, an then, "Holy $#!+, what is that noise..." but I digress; just tighten to spec, and start the car, then listen to it hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Again, that's just my opinion, and personal observations, might be different on your car, I have a '56...


Edited by NikeAjax (see edit history)
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Guest NikeAjax

Oh, I should mention--really important--check your torque on those nuts after it cools off!!!!!! You should also recheck periodically for the first month or so, make sure no one's lookin', you don't need to hear, "Geez, I thought you fixed that thing..."


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