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Apart from the fact that you are at 6000ft, what symptoms or problems (if any) are leading you to believe that the carby is running rich ??

I assume you have checked that the choke is fully off when the engine is warm.


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As a general rule, Carter had calibrations as follows:

Standard - sea level to 4000 feet

1 size lean - 4001 to 6000 feet

2 sizes lean - 6000 to 7000 feet

As Carter utilized metering rod technology, Carter would release thicker (leaner) rods for altitude use. Since the effective metering area is the area of the jet less the dynamic area of the portion of the rod in the jet; changing diameters on the rods could give a much better calibration at all values of vacuum than simply changing jets.

And remember, Carter produced these calibrations for engines using REAL gasoline. For modern fuel, see the next post.


Edited by carbking (see edit history)
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And just in the FWIW category, we are finding that the E10 fuel changes the game. Today, if one must use the corn gas, we find that the following seems to be pretty close:

Standard calibration - works fairly well at 4000 to 6000 feet

1 size lean - works fairly well at 6000 to 7000 feet

And for sea level to 4000 feet, one needs to change to 1 size RICH

The above is average, and will not be correct for all applicatiions. Since the AKI of ethanol is approximate 116, the older lower compression engines are more likely to need recalibration than the higher compression engines of the '60's and '70's.


Edited by carbking (see edit history)
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Guest outlaw car man

Again, did you fully check any choke issues ? I'm over in Colorado at 5300' . Be sure to check with Mike ( Flyer15015), he's up even higher here. I've had many antique and classic cars thru the years and never changed anything for elevation other then basic settings to keep them running. Had Carters in my 1933 Pontiac and 1933 Essex Terraplane 8. Rebuilt both, set to rebuild specs. Wouldn't think 39 would be that much different ? Maybe at 7K ?

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OCM's correct. And his green light is on too.

Here is where I'd start.

Per "39 buick....check your heat riser plate and make sure it is open. It's below the carb in the ex manifold. Mine is wired open.

Make sure the choke plate is open. I put a manual choke cable on mine.

Plugs.... are you running stock AC-46's or hotter 48's or hottest 49-c's ? They are all available still on e-bay.

Carb..... Carby for those down under. Do you have the brass plug inspection hole in the float bowl ? If so, is the gas in the bowl pouring out at idle, or just below the hole, like it is supposed to be. Adjust float to correct.....

Mixture screws at front base of carb. Mine are out from the bottom 1.25 turns. These should only be adjusted when the motor is at full operating temp.

Timing....Book says 4 degrees advance for the '40 Buicks series 40 & 50. All others 6 degrees advance. I have mine @ 7-8 degrees, and she seems to run a bit free'r.

Dist.... First make sure your vacuum advance is working. Mine was not and get-up-and-go suffered. Pull a vacuum @ the carb to check movement of the plate. This checks the line too. You can find these on e-bay too.

Points @ .015" and make sure you are all the way up on the cam lobe.

That's where I'd start...........

Do these and report back.

They worked for me an I'm at 8500 ft. Long way down the hill to visit OCM. Hi Sandy, how's your weather ? We've got no snow in B.V.

Mike in Colorado

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Guest outlaw car man

Blizzard in the Fort- Snow, ice, probably 14-18" and counting, bet we'll be over 20" at the end. One of the worst I've seen in awhile. Need to get the chains out on the 90, she what she'll do .....gulp. I thought this was April ? Bet your # 1-3 advice above for Sherwood will do the trick, if not move on to the next. BTW, my Marvel is STILL running perfect, been a year maybe ? Magic. I think a perfect float setting along with blue Stabil has done the trick to combat the vodka I'm running in it. Got lucky.

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So, no need for me to make you a set of "jets" ?

With what you have gone thru on the carbs, you should write a book, and sell it.........

Our snow stopped up at the tree line 11K ft. but we were in the clouds all day yesterday. Clear now.

Mike in colorado

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Guest outlaw car man

I have an extra set of jets for the 33 Marvel, just in case. Exhaust manifold doing well . ( whew) " don't need no stinken book on the Marvel " You must be about out of Elk jerky by now, have to come to the city soon and trade furs... "

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