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BCA Tech Advisors

Barney Eaton

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I am the BCA Tech Advisor coordinator. In reviewing our Buick model coverage, it looks pretty good but we could use someone to support the newer cars. Dennis Manner is our 1960-1995 engine advisor, but there is sparce coverage for the late front drive cars. 1988 model are now 25 years old and except for 1983-1996 Century, Reattas, and 1991-1996 Roadmaster we could use advisors for the other front drive Buicks. There are a lot of Regals, LeSabres, Riviera and Park Avenues out there that could use your help.

If you are a BCA member and want to help, contact me and we can sign you up..... (Barney@texas.net)

Along the lines of late models, I also support the Reattas and we recently found a company that rebuilds lots of thing for late model cars. They tend to start at 1990 and newer and we have found they offer as an example, 1990-1991 Reatta instrument clusters rebuilt, tested and warrantied for $99, which is the lowest price we have found.

Here is a link to the BBS Reman web site and you can check what they rebuild for newer Buicks and other brands.

BBA reman. ABS, ecu's, throttle bodies, air mass meters, and catalytic converters

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