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Can't Open My Trunk--Grrr...57 Buick


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OK..My trunk latch has been working kind of funky lately, taking more and more force to close and latch the trunk. Yesterday I slammed it shut to lock it before I left for a cruise. Came home and now the doggone thing won't open. The key turns to, but it seems that the latch is not releasing. I have been trying to put my body weight on the trunk to force it down, which is what I have had to do before, but now that is not working. Any ideas out there as to what to do? The mechanism is not broken, that much I know.

Also, any experienced wise ones out there who have had this problem and have a method to fix it? Thanks for all your help out there

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Bob..Hilarious..Finally got it open with the help of all my friends in the D-town! Went into a party store for a minute and shazaam!! It was open, and all cleaned out to boot!

Actually, kept applying pressure on the lid and it finally released. Went to the manual and ended up having to shim the latch mechanism to get the correct adustment. Re-installed and works fine now. Just one more thing to keep an eye on.

Happy Easter!

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Bernie, LMAO!! I have actually parked behind the stadium (Ford Field) and routinely drive by the Model T Plaza on Woodward Ave on my way to downtown Detroit. Where did you come up with those pictures..Do you lurk here in the shadows of Detroit???? :D

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Here is a photo showing a finished properly opened and freed lock mechanism that was stuck just like yours. This is the only factory sanctioned method we know of. Yes, however a heavy duty metal snips were required. To free untidy metal simply use a hacksaw blade wrapped with duck tape to serve as a simple handle on the blade and small pliers to fold back any metal that could cut your skin when accessing the latch mechanism inside. Applying this technique makes the trunk easier to open by not requiring one to always have a key close at hand just to open the trunk. Makes getting to those last minute items you need in your trunk quick and convenient. This is simple yet effective. I hope this helps. Why risk another embarrassing stuck trunk episode show of emotions that only just serves to entertain the neighbors and reinforce what they already think of you and your projects anyway when you can use this method and not have to look back over your shoulder? To get a copy of drawings and directions on how to do this in easy to follow steps along with other productive tasks that can be applied to your treasured car, please send $ 25 cash, to Wanna Help Ya, P.O. Box 69, Trenton, Iowa. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.


Edited by buick man (see edit history)
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After being extremely disappointed in the crappy exhaust system I bought from a famous Buick exhaust cobbler, I drove out to Les Flaisher's on Kingston Ave. in Huntington Woods, right around the corner from Woodward. He had a pair of NOS exhaust pipes for my '60. They just fit diagonally in an 8 foot Chevy box.

We met Les and his wife and then spent the night on the river in an old drug house:

post-46237-143141825245_thumb.jpg that was made into a hotel.

post-46237-143141825285_thumb.jpg Long pipes are a great excuse for a road trip.


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Guest 4 bufords

bernie,i know you can't give the cobblers name on here but maybe you can tell us what state he is in.i want a set of duals for my 62 but can't afford to get boned,4 buffords from ct

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Sounds like it turned out to be an excellent road trip! River Place is a beautiful setting, and from the looks of it, you made it to Winsdor as well. Next time you are in town, drop me a line if you would like to meet for a coffee. Happy Travels!

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