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American Pickers in Winchester!


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What's this about Santa?
Do not lose faith ... pity.gif

SANTA CLAUS <!--color--> is alive and well .... beer.gif

He lives in Nebraska and I stop in to see him from time to time .... whistling.gif

Except in December ..... shruggy.gif

Jim drive.gif

Edited by Trulyvintage (see edit history)
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To all those who insist on Picker bashing every time someone makes a post about them, please use more care and check your facts before making assumptions that you heard 3rd, 4th or 10th hand. For some reason so many are eager to jump on the Picker bashing bandwagon.

Thanks Scooter Guy for setting the record straight. Mike and Frank were right up the road locally a couple years ago on a pick. It was the first one Daniele was on. I have spoken personally with the owner after the pick and my nephew was at his place the last 6 of the 9 hours they were there. Both the owner and my nephew said Mike and Frank are of genuine great character that any decent human being would love to have them as neighbors. Nothing was staged as far as negotiations in the context of "OK I'm going to say this and you will say that". Some scenes had to be re-shot because of noise in the background, unexpected distraction, or someone mis-speaking or whatever. They did have an extra U-haul that was stuffed full of previous pick items that the 3 person camera crew rode in and that was it. The white van and the U-haul.

When they waved bye and headed down the driveway they surprised everyone, turned around and came back....... with no camera rolling. They had ordered pizza for the few locals that were there and sat around shooting the bull after dark for another 1.5 hours even though they were tired, sweaty and dirty. They had absolutely nothing to gain financially by doing this because theres no publicity and only about 8 people there. Why would they do this? Hmmmm....perhaps they are just a couple good old boys who care about more about people than making money. So do the naysayers think that was staged too?

Are there some things that are prearranged for the show? C'mon its a TV show. There has to be some degree of planning and staging or eveyone wastes their time but for crying out loud the Pickers are one of the least fake reality TV shows and there are a whole host of other shows that are far worse with egotistical stars if you want to bash someone bash them. Maybe since the show lacks fowl language, nudity, and unethical behavior some don't like it.

Ahhhh Ok I feel better now. Obviously I'm a picker fan. Not because I make a habit of idolizing TV people or shows but because I know these guys are hard working average people with good morals and ethics who happened to get a break.




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To all those who insist on Picker bashing every time someone makes a post about them, please use more care and check your facts before making assumptions that you heard 3rd, 4th or 10th hand. For some reason so many are eager to jump on the Picker bashing bandwagon.

Thanks Scooter Guy for setting the record straight. Mike and Frank were right up the road locally a couple years ago on a pick. It was the first one Daniele was on. I have spoken personally with the owner after the pick and my nephew was at his place the last 6 of the 9 hours they were there. Both the owner and my nephew said Mike and Frank are of genuine great character that any decent human being would love to have them as neighbors. Nothing was staged as far as negotiations in the context of "OK I'm going to say this and you will say that". Some scenes had to be re-shot because of noise in the background, unexpected distraction, or someone mis-speaking or whatever. They did have an extra U-haul that was stuffed full of previous pick items that the 3 person camera crew rode in and that was it. The white van and the U-haul.

When they waved bye and headed down the driveway they surprised everyone, turned around and came back....... with no camera rolling. They had ordered pizza for the few locals that were there and sat around shooting the bull after dark for another 1.5 hours even though they were tired, sweaty and dirty. They had absolutely nothing to gain financially by doing this because theres no publicity and only about 8 people there. Why would they do this? Hmmmm....perhaps they are just a couple good old boys who care about more about people than making money. So do the naysayers think that was staged too?

Are there some things that are prearranged for the show? C'mon its a TV show. There has to be some degree of planning and staging or eveyone wastes their time but for crying out loud the Pickers are one of the least fake reality TV shows and there are a whole host of other shows that are far worse with egotistical stars if you want to bash someone bash them. Maybe since the show lacks fowl language, nudity, and unethical behavior some don't like it.

Ahhhh Ok I feel better now. Obviously I'm a picker fan. Not because I make a habit of idolizing TV people or shows but because I know these guys are hard working average people with good morals and ethics who happened to get a break.

Not trying to go off topic but did they find anything old vehicle related?

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Peter, I was curious how "pure" you were in your postings, given your apparent distaste for talking about things only loosely associated with antique cars.

In July of 2011 you had two posts that went into great detail about 3-D printing and your experience with casting methods, both very "loosely" associated with the old car hobby.

They find cars and car memorabilia, or the same for motorcycles, just about every show.

Lighten up.....

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Quote by JZRIV:Are there some things that are prearranged for the show? C'mon its a TV show. There has to be some degree of planning and staging or eveyone wastes their time but for crying out loud the Pickers are one of the least fake reality TV shows and there are a whole host of other shows that are far worse with egotistical stars if you want to bash someone bash them. Maybe since the show lacks fowl language, nudity, and unethical behavior some don't like it.

Reminds me of the saying," 99% of all lawyers give the honest ones a bad name".

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