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63 Riv Choke tube

Guest Steeleco

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Guest Steeleco

Wierd story,

During my recent visit to the repair shop where I expected to have my passenger side exhaust manafold removed and properly reseated (small leak). The mechanic tryed to find the leak with a smoke machine he ran down the carburater expecting to see the smoke come out of the leak in the exhaust (I've never heard of this). So after he assumed the problem was leaks where the old heat riser flapper was previously removed and welded up, he rewelded those areas. Then he decided there was a leak where the choke pipe attaches to the exhaust manifold. The choke pipe has a little flare on it that just goes over the stub sticking out of the manifold. Before I figured out what he was doing he cut the flare off the choke pipe and hose clamped some high heat rubber tubing around it to make the connection. My problem with what he did is, I think the heat is transfered to the choke via the metal tube and the rubber probably insulates it. It may not matter as my flapper inside the manifold is gone anyway. So after all of this the exhaust leaks may be better but still not 100%. I asked the guy if he had a stethescope and he did not. So I drove home got my stethescope out and found the leak (bottom side of the rear exhaust port between manifold and head. For this I took the day off work. Guess you need to be retired to have an old car.

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Get one of these:http://brockportinternational.com/xjs/Dir5/Jag/1954/Clevland/7-09%20064.jpg

Its my nephew, I have three and all like their eccentric Uncle's cars and garage. This one is Don. I took special care to give him old automotive textbooks when he was going to car college. I send him home with my old stock of spares when I sort through stuff. He has done a lot for me. He has a repair shop near Buffalo.


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If there is exhaust leaking from the choke tube (thru the manifold) then the tube is no good and when attached to the carb choke housing will foul the mechanism. I have rarely seen a replacement tube although they do exist, probably not worth the expense and pain to install. Install an electric choke conversion.

Tom Mooney

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