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Guest www.sdhotrod.com

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It might help to inform us of how long ago it was sold.

740 convertible coupes are pretty rare. The CCCA has one listed in Colorado, one in Connecticut, one in Illinois, and two in Ohio.

The hub caps look a little large for it to be a 1930, tho the photos are so poor it's hard to say for sure. Are you sure it's not a 1931?

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Guest www.sdhotrod.com

As far as I know it was a larger model 1930.. I sold it in 2005 to a guy in NH and he passed away shortly after and I was told his son kept it and took it to CA but not positive what ended up happening to it.. The following year I sold a 1920 Mercer but I know where that ended up.. sdhotrod.com

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Guest www.sdhotrod.com

As far as I know it was a larger model 1930.. I sold it in 2005 to a guy in NH and he passed away shortly after and I was told his son kept it and took it to CA but not positive what ended up happening to it.. The following year I sold a 1920 Mercer but I know where that ended up.. sdhotrod.com

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