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Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi !!!!!


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Time to get the camera out.

It's Australia Day down here and as always there will be a good line up of old cars.

Hopefully there will be a few old Buicks there.

Looking forward to a great day !!! (and maybe a beer 2 :) )

Aussie Aussie Aussie,

Oi Oi Oi !!!!


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No rain down here Mike. In fact it's been a perfect day weather wise.

Not a Buick to be seen. BUGGER !!! Always there every other year.

I see they are copping it up north. It will give the warmies something to talk about down here in Aus.


Oh, and I had the infamous "green dot" pointed out to me. I don't see that sort of thing to well. :)

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Ha ha, "please explain" is a line that gets thrown around a bit here in Australia.

It was once used by one of our more notorious pollies.

The "green dot". It's how Mike spies on us. :)

I didn't know about it until he mentioned it. I have a real problem seeing a lot of colours so I asked my Mrs if she could see a "green light".

She pointed out that the little dot at the end of your user name is green when you are on line. Put your cursor on it and is says that you are on or off line.

This is the closest thing to a Buick that I came across all day.


Most Aussies into cars would recognise this animal.


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I must be turning into an old car snob of some sort.

Whilst looking at this old girl yesterday, a bloke comes over and starts talking about "old cars" and restoring them in general.

I was quite enthusiastic about the conversation until he mentioned that he was restoring a Mazda. (Bad Dan !!)

Maybe it's because I don't quite view it as an "old car". When I was a youngster, they were every third or fourth car on the road and it just doesn't seem that long ago.

Must be getting old :(


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I saw that title and thought "Ozzie, ozzie, ozzie". Then I saw the thing about the guy with a Mazda and wondered if he really wanted a Roadmaster but no one knew where he could find a Loadmaster.

Language is fun. I'm from New York and you'd never believe it listening to Hollywood language.


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