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I have created a new Guide to Buick - Buy/Sell post http://forums.aaca.org/f117/please-read-guide-buick-buy-sell-343863.html to update it to the new board format. I have also re-emphasized some old and included some new guidelines that I invite you to make comments on.

Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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I really like your new stickys Lamar. I like the way you laid out some common sense guidelines here and on the General sticky. Is there a way to lock them so newbies can't ask questions in the Please Read sections? They don't necessarily need to be open threads. Just my thoughts...

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Timely post. I decided to transfer custodianship of a bunch of things that would have been at the curb before I reached room temperature. I made an Ebay store and attached a url to it. The URL is in my signature along with my "Mr. Know It All" picture. I'm planning to clear a lot of the garage out. I am sure there will always be Buick stuff listed.

I am following the rules and posting in the commercial sale area. What would the verdict be on mentioning a couple Riviera kits in the Riviera section. Actually I have never looked at the commercial sales. On one side I would miss a chance to see the Riv kits, on the other I wouldn't have seen them myself. What is the best approach?


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Cool idea Bernie( the e bay shop)

Hey Boss, how bout a rule that automatically eliminates items for sale where the last post was over a certain number of days? I'm thinking one year of inactivity by everyone, including the seller, would pretty much indicate the ad has run it's course.

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Cool idea Bernie( the e bay shop)

Hey Boss, how bout a rule that automatically eliminates items for sale where the last post was over a certain number of days? I'm thinking one year of inactivity by everyone, including the seller, would pretty much indicate the ad has run it's course.

Well only if the item never sold. But ... Leave all the sold items posts up and running so folks can have a price/search tool in the future for review purposes to get an idea of what things are going for and in establishing an asking price for their stuff.

Also I would suggest that at least 8 real posts be the magic number instead of 3 as that is too low and the introduction posts should not count. 8 because that would perfectly match the number of ports on a Roadmaster. :)

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I like!

I think price and location should be required, rather than a guideline; notify if post is non-conforming, delete if not corrected within 24 hours.

Would also like to see a separate section for Craigslist, ebay, etc that would include anything where we are not dealing directly with the member who posted.


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Mr.Earl, you can remove the multiple craigslist sticky. They have done another cease and decist and it no longer works...

You can do a multiple search...somewhat good... of multiple craigslists by going to google and putting in

1955 Buick site:craigslist.org

or whatever item you may be searching...B

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Mr.Earl, you can remove the multiple craigslist sticky. They have done another cease and decist and it no longer works...

You can do a multiple search...somewhat good... of multiple craigslists by going to google and putting in

1955 Buick site:craigslist.org

or whatever item you may be searching...B

Regarding establishing posting guide lines. As I have said in the past regarding this matter, IMO this AACA "Hobby" sight should be used for the sole exclusive benefit of the membership

Then with that said, I take a hard and clear line in the sand. I propose once again, that if you want to sell or flip your parts on ebay then do just that. Set up an account, open a store front, dust off the calculator and go for it. But If you want to sell your unwanted or no longer needed stash of good parts for the benefit of your fellow hobby members, then do so, here on this site for a fair price under fair and understandable terms. That is what hobby sites like these are all about, just not for the dear abby columnists of daily idle chatter. The choice is yours. I say this because way too many times I have been witness to individuals coming on this site just to halk their parts on ebay for the benefit of the buck, not for the benefit of this membership.

Edited by MrEarl
remove inflamatory and defamatory remarks toward eBay and PayPal. (see edit history)
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It happens, people using the site, ONLY when they have something to sell, but I sure don't see it as an issue, IMO.

My 2-cents worth.

Dale in Indy, aka Smitteeone

Then sadly you missed my point.

THE POINT IS..... I included the new guideline of requiring posters of ebay ads to introduce themselves and have a minimum number of posts based partly on your previous comments several months ago about people only coming on here to post their ebay ads etc etc. A point I understand and agree with. The AACA has no problem with the posting of eBay URLs as can be seen in their Buy Sale Rules page where it is listed in with the other items to be included in an ad. So I agree with Dale, that issue in and of itself is not that big of a problem. While I somewhat understand your disdain for eBay and PayPal, the extent that you expressed it earlier and the verbiage used was totally unnecessary and had the potential to land the AACA in a lawsuit, therefore it was deleted. You more than clearly made your point, without the need for bashing eBay and PayPal.

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Lamar you are entitled to your opinion(s) and I will be the first to say so and defend that right for you. I too went to law school and absolutely believe that anything I wrote or implied or interpreted was of no contention or a basis of any potential harm to anyone. I simply would not do that. I was stating merely the facts in response to Packard32's statements giving them a bit of substance and structural support. But your the monitor and good thing too your doing your job. Keep up the good work keeping the likes of us cutting edge ruffians in their place. In reality I could really care less what folks do, how they do it or where they do it as long at they have a good time doing it and it does no harm. That's all that counts in a communal sense.

But with that said, please refrain in the future from stating or implying that we or the likes of us are going around babbling distain of ill sorts that needs some kind of adult supervision. Of course, this is stated as my opinion, of which I too am entitled.

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OK, I see the locks. Good job. Now about the typos...

;)It is you choice however.


I wlil meke the revoisns and coorections as soon as pssobile. ;)

OK Mikey, I found and corrected the "It is your choice" but can you please give me a hint of where the heck the Genreal is?

Reminds me of a joke a guy with dyslexia told one time ..... "A guy walks into a bra............"

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