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How to advertise a car here.

Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

To all sellers. <BR>When you post your car on this site please include the following:<P>-Year<BR>-Make<BR>-Model<BR>-Engine<BR>-Special features<BR>-Any AACA or national club awards, with where and when earned<BR>-Price or will trade for info<BR>-Location of car, town and state (country)<BR>-A discription of the car, like the one Old Cars Weekly uses 1 to 5, etc.<BR>-Complete contact info, phone, fax, email, web address, etc.<P>This info will make it easy for a person who is considering the purchase. The more info you give someone the better the chance he/she will be interested.<BR>SalG<BR><p>[This message has been edited by SalG (edited 07-04-2000).]

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Hi all, Glad to see some people are thankful for the help. I do not get my kicks from this, I do it as a public service. SalG

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Why bother? PeterG has placed a moderator's message that is permanently on the top, just above the main message area. If people don't see that there is not very much hope for them.<P>Now we have them posting for sale items in the general forum. frown.gif

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Hi all, Basically Peter took what I wrote and posted it up top for the benefit of all. Too bad people can not read it. SalG

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Hi Sal G i copyed your post for my Cadillac parts message board hope you don`t mind . If they subscribe it gets E mailed to them, And they still don`t go buy it! He might have to put the lettering 3 inches tall at the top. smile.gif <P>------------------<BR>Mike<BR><A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/lmmax97/cadillac/" TARGET=_blank>1964 Cadillac & Cars from the 30`s to 70`s<P>FREE! Cadillac parts BBS over 20,000 visiters a year</A>

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What we need is for Peter to rig the buy/sell forum where you have to answer: buy /sell , then you can enter what it is for the title. for the description part, it won't let you post it unles you fill in a form with price, State, name, email, phone, etc. (the SalG Form). Either that or get and aduio message they have to listen to while posting topic. Someone like the "Nanny" outta get their attention. wink.gif

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smile <BR> frown.gif frown <BR> blush.gif embarrassment <BR> grin.gif big grin <BR> wink.gif <BR> tongue.gif <BR> cool.gif <BR> rolleyes.gif <BR> mad.gif <BR> shocked.gif <BR> confused.gif <P> wink.gif <BR> tongue.gif <BR> cool.gif <BR> rolleyes.gif <BR> mad.gif <BR> shocked.gif <BR> confused.gif <BR> wink.gif <BR> tongue.gif <BR> cool.gif <BR> rolleyes.gif <BR> mad.gif <BR> shocked.gif <BR> confused.gif <BR> wink.gif <BR> tongue.gif <BR> cool.gif <BR> rolleyes.gif <BR> mad.gif <BR> shocked.gif <BR> confused.gif <P>

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smile <BR> frown.gif frown <BR> blush.gif embarrassment <BR> grin.gif big grin <BR> wink.gif <BR> tongue.gif <BR> cool.gif <BR> rolleyes.gif <BR> mad.gif <BR> shocked.gif <BR> confused.gif <P> wink.gif <BR> tongue.gif <BR> cool.gif <BR> rolleyes.gif <BR> mad.gif <BR> shocked.gif <BR> confused.gif <BR> wink.gif <BR> tongue.gif <BR> cool.gif <BR> rolleyes.gif <BR> mad.gif <BR> shocked.gif <BR> confused.gif <BR> wink.gif <BR> tongue.gif <BR> cool.gif <BR> rolleyes.gif <BR> mad.gif <BR> shocked.gif <BR> confused.gif <P>

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