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Am I the only one who types with one finger ?


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The typing class I was required to take in seventh grade, long before personal computers existed, has turned out to be very useful over the years.

However on a smart phone I am reduced to the one finger Columbus Method (find a key and land on it) which is horribly frustrating. I see people who can type on a phone using two fingers (actually thumbs) nearly as fast as I can type on a keyboard but I think I'm too old to learn that skill.

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Guest billybird

I also use the "Columbus" method. {find it and land on it} This as well as not being able to see as good as I used to; Then, add the bi-focals into the mix.......I usually keep my posts as brief as possible.

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Guest Lincoln54Capri

I took a typing class in high school (class of 1970) but never typed at all until I got my first computer in 1998 so after 28 years I forgot how and am using one finger on each hand. I have over 30,000 transactions on Ebay-mostly as a seller-so I think that's pretty good for the one finger on each hand method.... :D

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I would echo Keiser32's story exactly. :)



Count me with Keiser32 also.:D

Well whadda ya' know ...

Seems like an innocent topic like typing has caused a scandal to emerge as

the identity of keiser31's and Restorer32's long rumored collaborative efforts

has finally been revealed here on the AACA .....



Edited by Trulyvintage (see edit history)
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Well whadda ya' know ...

Seems like an innocent topic like typing has caused a scandal to emerge as

the identity of keiser31's and Restorer32'slong rumored collaborative efforts

has finally been revealed here on the AACA .....



Yep....made me laugh...

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One finger on left,

one or two fingers on right

backing up for miss steakz - mistakes


then meeting Billybird for fine dining of King Cake diet coke and Chapter meeting earlier tonight

and that was just on the big wireless ergonomic keyboard...

4-G Phone is even funnier with only one finger - which always hits wrong keys !!

Lets go back to CB Radio, 10-4?

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Guest shadetree77

I love that new avatar. I've seen that one before but it was a longer version where the little guy eventually started beating his head on the key board until his eyeball popped out and swung around. Geez. I must have been looking at the "rated-R" version. :D

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I took a typing class in high school also, thought it was the most useless class ever, when was I going to use a typewriter? Things changed, and now it serves me well.

My last boss lived and breathed by emails, and he could only use one finger....didn't stop him from sending a huge volume of work, as mentioned by some, he got pretty fast at it.....

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Guest Skyking
I took a typing class in high school also, thought it was the most useless class ever, when was I going to use a typewriter? Things changed, and now it serves me well.

This was the same for me. My girlfriend (wife now) was taking the class in high school so what the heck, why not me. I figured too I will never use the skill. Who knew then a keyboard would be in front of us daily.......?

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My high school adviser, and really good friend, suggested that I take a typing class my high school senior year. He also talked my best friend into taking the class. We were unable to take the early class, and got stuck in the afternoon class with the rest of the class being young ladies, most of whom were also taking piano lessons. And growing up on the farm, my fingers were short, stubby, and crooked! To add to the misery, the typewriters were worn out Remington manuals. Mine would double, triple, or more space roughly 1 time out of 10 when touching the space bar.

I hated that class at the time.

Turned out to be the most useful elective I ever took!

As far as "smart" phones, if the *&^%$# things were so smart, they would read my mind and I wouldn't have to type!

Incidentally, there is a wireless external keyboard that will attach by bluetooth (what a name) to the iphone. Yes, we have one!


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Well whadda ya' know ...

Seems like an innocent topic like typing has caused a scandal to emerge as

the identity of keiser31's and Restorer32's long rumored collaborative efforts

has finally been revealed here on the AACA .....



Sorry Keiser31. My excuse is FAT FINGERS !!!! :):):)


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I type with both index fingers also for the most part. I've become fast enough in my self taught way to be productive at work. I get some razzing by other employees though.

I look back and wish I had taken the typing classes in school.

(Took Home Ec instead since I knew food would be involved)

Out of curiosity a few years ago, I found a free online course I tried.

After about 5 minutes of trying out one of the exercises, I gave up after my hands cramped up. I've gotten by just fine as I am. No need to change now.

Edited by Sweepspear (see edit history)
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Typing and playing piano strike me as being a lot alike; can't imagine trying to do either one without using eight fingers and two thumbs. I remember how hard I tried to type 50 words a minute in high school and how happy I was when it finally happened. Same way with 60 wpm in business school. I am convinced I can type faster with a computer than with any typewriter, electric or manual, I ever touched.

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Guest Rob McDonald

When I was learning to type in high school, my dad gave me some bad advice. "Don't bother trying to learn the number row, you won't need it that much." Now after a 40 year career in engineering, I still silently curse him for that. Never was able to learn my numbers, although I am thankful for the number pad on a computer keyboard.

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I use my pointer, middle and ring finger on each hand and can move along pretty well and pretty much without looking.

I sometimes do that, and then sometimes look at the screen only to find that I accidentally have missed a letter, or hit the CAPS LOCK, so all of the letters are reversed, and it looks like I was "shouting", but lower case initial letters.

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I sometimes do that, and then sometimes look at the screen only to find that I accidentally have missed a letter, or hit the CAPS LOCK, so all of the letters are reversed, and it looks like I was "shouting", but lower case initial letters.

I wish in that case you could select all the text and reverse it out to quickly correct it.

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