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shocks or springs?67 riv


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Took my son and friends for a spin (they are heavyweights) and with about 500 lbs of beef in the back seat I scraped the exhaust pipe while backing out of the driveway, slowly, thankfully. Mechanic said my rear springs were original. Question; how do I know if it's time to replace springs or shocks?Or both?

Any suggestions re replacement springs and/or shocks? Beside putting ex football players on diets?

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Rocky, When you replace the springs loosen each suspension through bolt. Tap it with a brass hammer or punch to make sure it is free. Then slide a nice fat chisel between the joint components to be sure the serrations of the bushing are not gripping. If the bushing can rotate freely it won't tear. Be sure to do the track bar, too. Buy quality springs. In general, if you pay less that $100 the car won't sit right. Someone will probably say they are new and it will sink down, don't believe them.

Once the new springs and shocks are in let the car sit at ride height when you tighten the suspension bolts. You will also find the shop manual shows a direction for the spring ends to point. The '64 does. Follow those instructions and you will have a nice amateur job. Professionals will run the car up on a lift, air wrench the nuts loose, yank each side down tearing the rubber bushes, and just stuff the springs in any way they fall. Then when the car doesn't sit right they will tell you the coils springs were made wrong. If you took the manual to them for a reference it will be on the counter where you left it. Be sure to retrieve it. You REALLY don't want a professional job.


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Rocky, Don't tell anyone where you learned it. Just approach the job as if it was common knowledge. Each morning look in the mirror and say "Oh, I didn't know that" and "Let's try this." as innocently as possible. Be convincing. Otherwise you could get tagged as a grouchy old fart who can never be pleased.


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