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HERSHEY NEWS - Pre-Registration Cards were mailed on December 15th.

Steve Moskowitz

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<!-- google_ad_section_start -->The Flea Market and Car Corral Pre-Registration Cards were mailed on Saturday December 15th. Please ensure your cards are filled out completely, signed and a copy of your 2013 AACA membership card attached in the area outlined on the card. PLEASE DO NOT send extra money for additional spaces.....Additional spaces are sold only during the summer registration period. Also, a separate check is required if you are pre-registering both car corral and flea market spaces. For information email us at

"Mac" MacAdam

Flea Market/Car Corral Registration Chairman

Note from AACA HQ:

We have added this to the general forum as well as the meets and tours as it is important. Every year people forget to handle their pre-registration and realize to late they have lost their spaces. Don't prograstinate and send the materials in right away!

Edited by Peter Gariepy (see edit history)
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