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Jim,<BR>If you can't get them thru your local NAPA store yet, let me know and I'll arrange with you to contact my friend Ellwood Dapp here in Central PA. I just did a brake job on a 59 Eldorado here, and I'm sure NAPA still showed them in the books. If not, let me know.<BR>Happy Motoring,<BR>Rick

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jac, Have not needed to do so in last couple of years, but most the national parts house chains were able to help with my '61 Cad - but only if you get there when there is not much of a crowd and find that one clerk who is willing to spend the time to help. I have gone into the same parts store and been told the parts were not available until I found one young lady willing to spend the time and find the parts.<P>Do some research and find out the parts interchangeability. Many parts were used for a lot of years and even a lot of different makes. For some of my oddballs I even refuse to tell the clerks what make or year, I just ask for a part number. This works - sometimes.

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Rick, Thanks for the tip on NAPA. I did not think that they went back that far. I will give it a try.<BR> <BR> Ron, Thanks for reminding about interchangeablity. I should have thought of that. I bought a part for the '62 Vette last year and would not tell the clerk what make<BR>of car it was for and saved bucks.<BR> later-jac

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A friend of mine was looking for a clutch for a 48 Lincoln and found out theat it was very pricey sp? He did some checking and found out that a clutch from a 56 Foud pick-up (if I remember right) was the same and at about half the price.

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