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Help with appraising 1938 Ford Coupe body off restore

Guest AlsGarage

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Guest AlsGarage

New to this forum... if this isn't the right area, apologies. I have the pleasure of finding a new home for family restored and owned 1938 Ford Coupe body off restore. Looking for help for an honest appraisal or even base starting point. I'm not new to classic or antique restores, ownership or sales, but this one is different. Many, many mods, new parts, rebuilt parts, etc. etc. The main problem is I am in the CA bay area and the car is in Lake County, near Clearlake, CA. If I can successfully get this done online or in person with a list of everything on, in, and around the car, great! If not, well, then I'll just go from there. Comment or PM for interest and I will add additional details. Have a nice night! :cool:

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Good morning AlsGarage and welcome to the AACA Forums.

Here is a group that you should check out. They are called IVAN. Cruise through their web-site and learn about them. My husband and I personally know the founder and some of the appraisers. We have done the legwork for three for the founder when he didn't have an appraiser in our area. Anyone that has used them that we sent have been very pleased with their work.

Appraisals of Vehicles | I-VAN Appraises Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Boats, and More

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Guest AlsGarage
If those are Trippe lights they are worth more off the car than on it.

According to the restorer, they are not Trippe lights. Same idea, cross country lights, different name tho. He had them laying around the shop and used them since this was his last full restore.

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Guest AlsGarage

I think there's some misconception. We are selling the car, not buying it. My grandfather is in his mid 80s. This was his last restore, besides his tinkering around with a Pierce Arrow. He does not use the computer and asked me for help selling it. I know what he will take for it, but I think he is undercutting himself because he just wants it out of the garage to make room for something else. Here in lies the problem.... I'm just trying to find help, based on photos, details, and my personal opinion, finding what you all think it's worth. Or pointing me in the correct direction of someone who can help. Opinions do matter, as it gives me some kind of idea. I will post the details and some pics when I get home for opinions. Thanks for the responses.

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Wow. Owner, who knows what he wants for the car. In his 80's, so grandson thinks he's senile. You want what for the car? Oh no, I can get a lot more.

If the car's for sale, put a price on it, post pictures, and see if you can find a buyer. Don't come looking to this group for support for greed.

I know we're supposed to support young members, but to me this is a grandson showing some disrespect for his elder.

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Guest AlsGarage

For ONE: It's his GRANDDAUGHTER. But you know what assuming does. I suppose? Or maybe you don't know that one. Oh, and before you pass judgement on me for being a women (we've already determined you were ASSuming right?), I suggest you ask yourself if you would talk to the women in your life like that. Hmm.

For TWO: This is no more about greed than trying to find HELP on where to start with a a clean, finished, ratrod-type car that he wishes he never wasted his valuable time on and doesn't particularly know what to do with. Or maybe I should just let a jerk like you take advantage of my poor, dear senile grandfather.

For THREE: I don't care how many little cars you have under your name. You're still a jerk.

For FOUR: I no longer need the help (THANK YOU Shop Rat, DavidAU and 58Mustang for being so gracious).

Edited by AlsGarage (see edit history)
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Guest AlsGarage
^^^^^Kinda harsh, don'tcha think??? Looks to me like a caring grandson who wants to get Gramps the best deal. How is that greedy? He said nothing about getting a penny for himself.

Nope, nothing in it for me but my time and effort. But who does that anymore? :-/

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Being as the car in question has "many mods" and is represented as a "ratrod" type vehicle I doubt anyone could put an accurate value on it since there will be few comps. It's worth what someone is willing to pay. Start with what YOU think the car is worth. You will soon enough know if there is any interest at that price. I suggest E-Bay or Craigs List for starters.

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Als garage,

Indeed, there were some misconceptions along the way. However, it looks like you got some advice from some source. I offer my opinion. With the limited description you provided about the actual car, I do not think you could ever get opinions from a forum, and it looks like you were only seeking advice as to where to turn for help. What you probably learned is that this is a one of a kind car (from what we are told) and your grandfather learned that when you create something (custom or hot rod) that is of interest and value to you, and you want to sell, you need to find a buyer who shares this like (rat rod) and is willing to pay the price. This forum mostly deals with original cars and those restored to original condition. Best of luck with the sale.

And just one more thing. Gargae space has a value also. The limited photos seems to indicate little room to work.

And as you have an interest in cars and restoration, despite the negative comments, please stay with us.



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I know what he will take for it, but I think he is undercutting himself because he just wants it out of the garage to make room for something else.

I apologize, I misinterpreted this statement, as it seems he'd already "priced" it and you were after something more. It's seen quite often, and in this case I apparently was wrong, so again, I apologize.

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