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Terry Dunham is gravely ill

Pete Phillips

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I just received word from Larry Gustin that Terry Dunham, BCA #217, is gravely ill, no longer able to communicate, and not expected to recover. For those who don't know, Dunham and Gustin are the authors of the book The Buick: A Complete History. I don't know the nature of Terry's illness, and I haven't asked the family's permission to post this, but I am doing it only to advise others who might be trying to contact Terry for historic information about their old Buick. Terry had an automotive research service in which he would research someone's old Buick and issue a multi-page, bound report on the car, giving its production numbers, dates of production, number produced, etc. for a small fee. Not knowing his present condition, I actually had been referring a few people to him as late as last week, and I regret that now, knowing that he is gravely ill. So, this is why I feel it is necessary to notify other BCA members and old Buick owners of the situation. He is not able to answer emails or speak on the phone, and it would be best just to keep him and his wife in your prayers. Apparently, he is in a lot of pain and the situation is not good at all. Terry is one of the most knowledgeable Buick people on the planet, and always incredibly enthusiastic about any facet of Buick history--and a true gentleman. I wish him God speed and an end to any suffering and pain.

Having not quite gotten over the recent loss of my friend David Corbin, and now this, it just goes to show how we need to commit as much Buick history and knowledge to print and paper (or other media), before so much of it is lost forever.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Leonard, Texas

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This is sad news indeed Pete. Thank you for posting, as I, and I am sure many others will have him and his family in our thoughts and prayers now. I am also sure the family would appreciate your telling this. I met and spoke with Terry only twice and hold those conversations dear and rewarding. I have been regretting not ever meeting Dave Corbin and taking advantage of his vast knowledge of Buick numbers and now am already regretting not communicating more with Terry about '54's and it was on my bucket list to do. Pete is right folks, there are a lot of us that know "stuff" about our particular year(s) of Buicks. We need to be sharing and recording it as much as possible.

Thanks again for posting Pete.

God speed Terry, and thank you.

here is a picture of Terry at a book signing in Flint in '03. Always a smile. One line I did not mind at all standing in.


Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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I am looking up at my two copies of Buick History now and remembering Terry's visit to the Finger Lakes Chapter. It was only for a couple of hours and a really great time was had by all. We are so lucky Terry had the opportunity to put so much in print. He is bigger than life.


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Sorry to hear of Terry's health issues. We all wish he is as comfortable as he can be in the remaining days he has on this earth . . . however many more there might be.

Thoughts and prayers for Terry and his family. Thanks for the advisory, Pete.

Willis Bell 20811

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Thanks for posting, Pete. Terry is one knowledgeable guy and great person to talk with. The BCA owes a lot to him ( as well as Joe Taubitz and Earl Beauchamp) for getting the first Flint National meet started back in 1971. His contributions to Buick history are immense. I echo Willis' sentiments.

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It was Terry, that convinced me in 1996-7 to run for the Buick Club Board of Directors, I was the VP first then the Pres and then Treasurer and just a BOD Member for 6 years. What a ride that was, sure learned alot, and met alot of great folks! He will always be in our hearts and prayers! I have all the Buick History books that he and Larry wrote, and I think a couple copies of several. I don't think I ever got them signed though, waited in line for what seemed like forever and gave up!

I think the enthusiasm that Terry and others had for Buick is only to continue to be experienced if we keep the history alive and that's hard to do without the them.

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