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1965 Road wheel Center Caps: Repair Method?


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I want to install new retainer clip rings in the original road wheel centers caps on my '65 and I'm looking for advice on how to fasten them to the chrome housing. The original clip rings are fastened in four places by deforming the head of a diecast post which goes through a hole in the ring. The heads of the posts must be ground off in order to remove the original clip ring. The posts are a very small diameter and cannot be easily drilled and tapped to accept small screws. Has anyone found a good way to attach the new clip rings? I'm thinking of using epoxy to assemble them in addition to using a center punch to "stake" the remaining portion of the diecast post to lock it in the mating holes of the new retaining clip ring. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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It sounds like you have solved your own problem. I would do exactly as you plan. Grind the peened over posts with a small dremel wheel and leave as much as possible to remove the old retainer. JB Weld or an equal-to or superior substitute should hold just fine. Of course you can apply the epoxy in additional areas around the retainer besides the four posts. Apply a small amount of antiseize to the spring clips thus putting less stress on the epoxy during removal of the center.

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Thanks for the input everyone. I think I'll try to repair the original caps because the chrome rings and 3 of the 4 emblems are nearly perfect. I believe the epoxy will work because there is a lot of surface area where it can be applied. I would prefer to drill and tap the posts for miniature machine screws but the post diameter is really too small to allow this. I've already contacted Mitch Romanowski and he can provide the parts I need. It would be much easier to just purchase the complete reproduction caps but I'd like to keep as many original parts as possible.

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