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Another Amphicar in the water...

Amphicar BUYER

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Man ,that third picture looks sooo wrong! I would think the pucker factor factor would be really high the first time you drove into the water. Cool.

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Man ,that third picture looks sooo wrong! I would think the pucker factor factor would be really high the first time you drove into the water. Cool.

There has never been an Amphicar I've taken in the water that I wasn't sure of. I've been in Amphicars only floating because of duct tape over the rust holes and temp. door seals that were window seals from the hardware store. Seriously!

When I restore one, I know every inch of the car and how it's put together so my only concern is small dribbles, noting them and correcting it. This car was dribble free. Still dry after 20 mins in the water.

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