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1934 Dodge Full Body Off Restoration

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Thanks Tony, much appreciated.

I spent the bulk of the weekend on my back under the front fenders getting the bolts between the fender and valance panels. I should be ready next weekend to reinstall the radiator assembly, then I can start to bolt up the inside of the guards and the front of the guards to the radiator cowl. Then it should start looking like a car !


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A milestone reached today. My brother came over and helped me lift the radiator / cowl assembly into position between the two front guards. It actually sat pretty well considering.

I have to get the front mounting bolts in place and connect the radiator hoses back up, but its nice to have it actually looking like a car now.








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Hi all,

Took the instrument cluster to a specialist and he reconditioned the speedo but just checked the other guages. Finished off the brake line for the front of the car and fitted them. Got another company to make up a couple of fuel lines. One from the chassis to the fuel pump and the other from the fuel pump to the carby. Not sure if that length is right or not but hopefully will sort that out later.

Not sure what takes place around the world but in Australia ( Victoria ) you can buy personalised plates providing they are no more than 6 characters / numerics long. Also the less amount of letters / numbers you have the more you have to pay for them. This entitles you to keep them and at a later date register a car and use these plates ( another fee applicable ).

I decided on DODG 34 ( as other combinations were not available ), searched to see if that combination was available and bought them. I dont know if I mentioned this in previous posts but I did have the opportunity to buy the original plates but he wanted $3000. You know when you look back 10 years later and think to yourself I should have bought that ? Well we didn't have the money at the time and a young family so I had to pass. The original 4 digit plates are now worth approx $50k. Glub.... oh well can't have everything.

I also decided I'd put in an electric fuel pump and filter hidden in the chassis rail alongside the shock absorber. This should be handy in case of vapour lock or priming issues. Again we'll wait and see.




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G`Day Ian... Are you talking about the rear of the fender... where it bolts to the outside of the chassis? Mine has no padding between them.....spent afternoon playing with an old tin trunk to go on the luggage rack.. Dragging up my old metal working skills to create a "Blacksmith style ": rack to go on top. The 34 is all washed and ready for the club run to Werribee Mansion tomorrow... Looking forward to the day when yours is running with us

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Hi Ian!Padding or welt serves two purposes ! It gives a nicer look to edging of separate panels where they meet ,also cushioning where slight movement can occur in chassis from twisting on uneven roads which can cause squeaks. My 34 doesn't have any where your describing and seems to be quit on the road not to say when paint wears down between them in a few thousand miles .Use your descression ! When these cars were being made they didn't have time to perfect them especially with lining up of parts (panels) .Cheers Tony

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Thanks Tony,

Will do.

Just finished tightening up all the bolts between the front guard and lower part of the radiator shell. Then I found the upper suppurt bracket ( the one that the headlight also bolts to ) is sitting under the bracket that is welded to the front guard, instead of on top of it. Lucky the other side is ok. So I have to undo the guard again. That will teach me. Didn't even think of checking it would be in the right place.


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Hey all,

Unbolted the front of the fron fender, and the rear which attaches to the valanve panel and running board. Was just able to manouver it enough to get the pesky support bracket to the front of the mounting bracket instead of behind it. Back was aching after a while so I thought I'd reconnect the radiator hose at the bottom and tightened it up. Then I had a brilliant idea that I'd fill the tank up again. After about 7 litres I heard this splashing and my feet were getting wet. What now......next time I'll remember to put the top hose on too ! idiot.

Anyhow, I've attached a few pics of what I was talking about before. You can see the curved parts of the front fender sitting next to the chassis. I know thats where it bolts to but the curved ends have got me a bit perplexed.





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Hey guys,

Not much to report.

I have removed the bulk of nuts etc on the right side in an attempt to adjust the front fender so the holes for the headlight stalk align up but having a few issues. So every now and then I stop and do something else. This time I fitted the petrol tank filler tube after sealing with some aviation stuff, fitted the new rubber ring and put the new petrol cap on that arrived in the mail on Friday.





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Hey everyone,

Can someone take a few shots of where the front fender attaches the the support bracket that runs up front where the engine is to almost the outside of the the fender. The bracket welded to the front fender and the support bracket just don't sit right. It may be correct but I'm not 100% sure. I've attached a pic of where I'm talking about.




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Guest Mark1934*

It should line up. You adjust it at the other end. Here is a shot of mine before adding the bolt, and the opposite end where you adjust it.post-70972-1431417788_thumb.jpgpost-70972-1431417788_thumb.jpg

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Thanks Mark,

That looks right, so mine is ok afterall ! hmmmm maybe I should just shutup and bolt up.

Mine dosn't look aligned but the bolts in your first two pics are still loose on mine so when I tighten them up it should be ok.

Many thanks


p.s. I'll slowly get every square inch of your car photographed !

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Hey all,

This was about the time I started to look at the motor. The previous owner had stripped it and put all the pistons and internals etc in a can full of diesel. I had an engine rebuilder come over and have a look at it and basically said it would cost a small fortune to restore it. I spoke to another friend of mine a little while after that and he said he'd thought he'd heard of a guy not far from me who had a Dodge engine. After a few phone calls I traced it down to being 10 minutes up the road ! I went up and saw him and a chap that owed him money went broke and gave him this "restored" engine as payment. I took both engines to my rebuilder and he proceeded to strip the second engine down. He said it was in good condition and he could rebuild it for a third the cost of the old one. I decided to go for that option and he stripped everything down. I didn't hear much for a while and I went over and saw him. He'd stripped completely the engine and was working on it when I arrived.....looking good.

A few weeks later I returned only to find his wife there sorting things out. I asked about my engine and she said her husband only last week found out he had cancer and was closing the business. I took the trailer over and collected all my bits ( hopefully everything was there ! ) and returned home :(

I spoke to the chap who was going to do my body work and he knew of a motor restorer. I took the trailer to his workshop and let it with him in the hope of having a good engine job done. I did call in once and he had ordered a new set of seals / gaskets and was well under way.

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Hey all,

This was about the time I started to look at the motor. The previous owner had stripped it and put all the pistons and internals etc in a can full of diesel. I had an engine rebuilder come over and have a look at it and basically said it would cost a small fortune to restore it. I spoke to another friend of mine a little while after that and he said he'd thought he'd heard of a guy not far from me who had a Dodge engine. After a few phone calls I traced it down to being 10 minutes up the road ! I went up and saw him and a chap that owed him money went broke and gave him this "restored" engine as payment. I took both engines to my rebuilder and he proceeded to strip the second engine down. He said it was in good condition and he could rebuild it for a third the cost of the old one. I decided to go for that option and he stripped everything down. I didn't hear much for a while and I went over and saw him. He'd stripped completely the engine and was working on it when I arrived.....looking good.

A few weeks later I returned only to find his wife there sorting things out. I asked about my engine and she said her husband only last week found out he had cancer and was closing the business. I took the trailer over and collected all my bits ( hopefully everything was there ! ) and returned home :(

I spoke to the chap who was going to do my body work and he knew of a motor restorer. I took the trailer to his workshop and let it with him in the hope of having a good engine job done. I did call in once and he had ordered a new set of seals / gaskets and rebuilding was well under way.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a bit busy of late. Popped over to Hong Kong to visit my brother and did a few large jobs around the house now back to the Dodge.

Cleaned up all the door stays internal parts and my painter painted the arms. Bought new rubber stoppers and cut out the little gaskets from left over fender welt.

The only thing I'm not too keen about is installing the rivit that the arm pivots on. Swinging something heavy near my paint work isn't an enjoyable thought but I'll work something out.

Picking up some parts from the platers soon and my painter is coming over to help me align the front fenders ( I need six hands for this job ).





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Hi Ian !Great to here your back and thought you been a bit quiet , as for rivets , there should be something available that you can use a small engineers hammer and dolly to peen rivets , and this you can do on your own not worry about paint just cover it some foam underlay , Also when you are stuck for a helping hand where I can I will help , my fee is good company and a cuppa !

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thanks guys.

offer much appreciated. I'll get the bolts redone one between the guards, valance panels and running boards and then I'll move onto the doors. next Saturday the roof goes to the upholstorer. once fitted at least ill have some support in the middle of the car.



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Hey guys,

Got the headlight supports bolted in place and spent the rest of the day tightening the bolts on the right side of the car up. Half way through them and then the other side.

Polished the rivets for the door supports and ordered replacement escoutchen ( cant be bothered looking that up ) plates for the internal door handles. NC Industries makes replacement ones.





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Hey everyone.

Good day today.

Started off I picked up my roof from the upholsterer and it looks fantastic. I'll fit it a bit later when I get a second pair of hands.

Spent the rest of the day under the car aligning the panels on the right side and getting the fender welt set properly. Even got the bolts that suppurt the front guard to the chassis and in the wheel well all done too !

Yep...pretty happy with myself today.









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It would be neat to see the top installation, maybe some before detailed hole pictures, some detailed flip the top over and show corresponding mating area and some how you did it lingo. Great job

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Thanks, do your doors have a lock cylinder integrated within the handle or on the door, interesting question that was posted that I have never thought about

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Hi Jason,

Mine has a lock cylinder in the door ( in the left side - driver for USA, passenger for Australia ). I've attached a photo when the car was in primer.

I think the Australian built bodies ( TJR ) had them in the handle or didn't have them at all. I'll see what Ken and Tony say as they have TRJ Bodies.




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Hey guys,

After I received the engine back from the rebuilder I had the flywheel resurfaced to get an nice even surface after I cleaned it up. The previous owner had bought a new clutch and pressure plate. I had some parts from an old Dodge engine he dismantled and I was able to find a main drive gear to use to align the clutch plate.

At this point I also bought some various rubber products from a local supplier. He made quite a number of things for various makes and I was able to get the gearbox dust seal, new engine and gearbox mounts, spare wheel grommets etc. Unfortunately he moved to an Island in Westernport Bay and had a few health issues and I was never able to get in contact with him again. To this day I still don't know what became of him. He just seem to have disappeared off the radar.

As this engine didn't have two steps in the sump ( which went around a support bracket for the spare wheel carriers ) I had to get the bracket modified, repowdercoated and I installed that in its place. I also bought the nifty dry seals for the spark plugs from a guy in America. I had a few other various brackets, valve covers, fan blade, oil filter bracket chromed as I like the look of a clean shiny engine. I think that came from my younger years when I had a show car ( Holden HQ Station Wagon ). I had the air cleaner blasted and painted as well as the oil filter base.



Holden HQ.pdf






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