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1920's Buick Model Line Up


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I have been thinking about buying a teen's or '20's Large Series Buick. I have looked through my personal literature and searched online to find a nice clean and easy to read list of the model lines for that era. Does anyone have such a list or a link to one I may have missed. I am looking for the equivalent of a Model 90 of the 1930's.


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I do not think you will find a "clean and easy to read" list that will be of help. I sugest you use the Standard Catalog of Buick for reference. As you will note. there are some years where the wheelbase changes in the same series. Mid-20s had the Master Series 6's. Also, touring cars were more popular than sedans in the 20's because the soft top was cheaper to produce than a steel/canvas roofed sedan. About 1925, the 4 cylinder Buick was discontinued for the 6 cylinder engine and 1931 a move to the 8.


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Just my opinion but a couple of thoughts on Buicks from the 20's.

Buy and open car. They were the most popular models up until the mid 20s and they are lots of fun. More of them out there too but they do tend to cost more too than a closed car.

If you plan to tour, stick with the 6 cylinder. Buick made 4s and 6s. Nothing wrong with the 4s but they are geared a little lower and don't run as fast. A little trivia on the 4. Buick sold many 4s in Canada, since it was a fine car but the roads were so poor you couldn't run a 6 any faster than a 4 and Buicks started in cold weather when many others balked.

1924 was a watershed year. 4 wheel brakes (previous years were rear only) and an new engine. Nothing wrong with the previous engine design, its darn near bullet proof and put Buick on the map. And I've toured for 16 years in a 1923 with rear only brakes just fine but I bought my car from a fellow who lived in New Hampshire where the 'hills' (mountain side) where he lived were more than he wanted to tour with rear only brakes.

The large closed car similar to a series 90 would have been the Model 47 7 passenger closed car (49 being the open model 7 passenger) both are 6's.

Finally, go touring!

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