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Starter Problems


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Hi All:

I need help with our ’56 T-Bird starter problems. When we turn the key, the starter turns the crank a few degrees, then the solenoid starts chattering. Initially I thought it was a very low battery. However, the battery is fine and fully charged.

I removed the solenoid, and it worked fine when triggered across the battery. I replaced it anyway as I had a new one.

Took a big hammer to the starter, still the solenoid chatters.

Disconnected the cable from the solenoid to the starter, and the solenoid works fine…..no chatter.

I have jumped directly from the battery to the solenoid, and it works only if the cable to the starter is removed.

Also added an extra ground using a jumper cable.

What starter circuit could cause the symptoms I am seeing? Even if the starter was shot, I would assume the solenoid would work correctly.

The car started easily a few days ago when we needed to move it.

Thanks for your help in diagnosing the cause of these symptoms.



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I would try jump starting it using jumper cables from another car. If it starts then it is likely a problem with the battery. How new are the battery cables? There may be a problem with them. The thing is that the charging circuit is pretty basic and shouldn't be too difficult to trouble shoot. It sure sounds to me that the battery is bad.

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I have tried two batteries, and my charger has a 75 amp "boost" which did not help. I am going to start at one end and check out all contacts, wires, etc. It has been a while since this car has competed across country, however it is driven regularly; just not a lot in the past few months.


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