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Back in the Hospital.................


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Get well quick and don't order the tuna! I was in the hospital and they brought me a tuna sandwich. When I took the cover off the tray all the cats on the north end of town scrambled up on the window sill and stared at me............. well, at the sandwich.


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I've been back at home since yesterday afternoon. Don't really have any pains, just a lot of discomfort. Taking my time getting around, walking around the yard a lot, resting more than I like to and trying to sleep. Can't seem to get comfortable in bed. But, very glad to be home! Thanks guys for all your thoughts and prayers! Matt

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Thanks guys. Dr. said I was on the verge of having another diverticulitis attack and things just fell in to place. Removed the appendix while they were in there. Said it didn't look in too good of shape either. Matt

Frame on restoration job. Pull everything out and clean it up while you're under the hood.

Feel better soon, hate to see people in the hospital.

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