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Removing the glass


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I have all ten body bolts out, so we're ready to do the seperation of body from frame. But I still need to get the glass out. Anyone have luck removing windshield/rear glass without damage?? How did ya do it.

I got a quote from a glass guy buy he says he cant guarantee the glass wont break.

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I've been using an inexpensive piano wire kit for 30 plus years since I was 16 and have never broken one and have done probably 10-14. Well, I take that back, I did break the second I ever did in a junkyard when I was 16 and the yard owner took me by the hand and showed me how to do it.

Basically the kit has special wire, two handles and a flat blade tool to break the seal to feed the wire through initially. It works good with two people but I've done many myself. You just have to have patience, don't get in a hurry and use common sense to avoid putting stress on the glass when cutting the seal and lifting it out. Any person who does glass for living should be able to guarentee no breakage or at least 99.9%. These aren't that difficult especially because if its the original old seal they are dried and pretty easy to cut.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is pushing on the glass before the seal is completely cut the whole way around. Never ever pry on the glass. Removing glass under a hot sun increases the risk of breakage as well.

I tried using a hot knife once but it was too cumbersome trying to get in all areas. It worked OK, I personally just like the wire method better.

I guess you'll have to assess your own skill and confidence and make a decision on which way to go. If you're not sure you're probably better off having someone do it but use a glass guy who has more confidence than the one you talked to. I'd hate to see you break it and say "dang that Jason, he told me it was easy"!

Edited by JZRIV (see edit history)
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Guest 1963 Riviera

My Glass guy told me the same thing.( guess its to cover their ass) So I just hoped and prayed.

He removed them without a problem. Be prepared for what you might find around the frame. Mine had severe structural rust with a gaping hole in the right hand bottom corner of the rear window


I repaired it with a metal putty


I replaced the clips with advice from the guys here with No. 8184 from Restoration Specialties & Supply, Inc.

post-81550-143139138392_thumb.jpg They were not exact but they were pretty damn close. One thing I had no Idea I should have done is APPLY SEALANT TO EACH AND EVERY SCREW IN THE CLIPS..it will leak if you don't as mine still does from the one particular screw that caused a lot of damage in the first place.

Ok, so when I go to collect the car I see a substantial gap between the moulding and the glass of the rear windows. The guy tells me its because the clips were not the correct ones, so in my naivety I accept and drive away.

It festered with me like a wound so I call him and tell him that it looks terrible and could he do anything. He agreed (unhappily) only to fill the gaps with black silicone which still look bad, but better.


Since then I have discovered the "Guru" of window replacers which is only about ten minutes away., and tomorrow I intend on taking it there for him to have a look.

If he confirms my spacer theory I am going to start legal action if he dosn't offer a reasonable resolution.

Watch this space.....

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I took all the glass out of my car myself without any breakage. I used thin aircraft cable and a couple pieces of wood to slice through the original seal. It took some effort, and taking my time, but it worked no problem.

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Thanks for the votes of confidence guys, I think I'll try to get the wire and do it myself. this project is intended to be done by me as much as possible and knowing some regular joes are knocking out makes me feel confident I can do it. Dont worry I wont hold anyone accountable here if I break it ;) Now to find the wire

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Thanks for your replies about removing the glass. I have one quick question. Having scoured the internet on the actual procedure I have seen two different methods. One threads a single strand of wire through and an end on each side of the glass, they 'saw' the seal by rocking the wire back and forth while pulling along the line of the seal. The second I have seen is wrapping the wire around the glass against the seal and slidding both ends of the wire into the car and then pulling on one end of the wire, which cuts it as you go around the glass.

Which way are you doing it??


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Thanks for your replies about removing the glass. I have one quick question. Having scoured the internet on the actual procedure I have seen two different methods. One threads a single strand of wire through and an end on each side of the glass, they 'saw' the seal by rocking the wire back and forth while pulling along the line of the seal. The second I have seen is wrapping the wire around the glass against the seal and slidding both ends of the wire into the car and then pulling on one end of the wire, which cuts it as you go around the glass.

Which way are you doing it??


Definitely use a sawing action and keep the angle of pull as low as possible as to not put pressure on the glass. If doing it yourself you need a long piece of wire probably 6' or so and reel it in as you get closer to your body. I start in the center at the top and work to one side then backtrack to center and work to the other side. Then move to the bottom center and work back to the sides same as top.

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Front or rear glass removal is a lot easier with a short wire and a second person in the car !!

True that, but it was about 2am when I removed my glass, and my wife would of sent me to hell if I'd had woken her up at that time to assist me in the garage. :D

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Ordered a kit and it came in today, removed the front glass. Note to self.....cut away as much excess sealant as you can BEFORE you start trying to cut with the wire. It was so much easier after that. But I did chip up the edge of the glass along the lower edge, Its all less than 1/8 of an inch and not through the hold piece, so I hope it doesnt crack once I get it back in and on the road....but its still a solid piece of glass. Rear Glass this weekend! Pushing the wire though back there looks like it will be fun.

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