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New Reatta! but... Something seems to be missing.. O_o

Guest RaverReatta

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Guest RaverReatta

So, I bought a 1990 Reatta just a week ago for $550!! It had some electrical issues (The ICM was bad, and blew the previous owner's coil pack). I replaced the coil pack temporarily to get it home, it made it to my house... very sluggishly, and barely keeping itself going. Later on I blew my own coil pack while testing things out to see where the problems lie. Anyway, after that I replaced the ICM and the coil pack. I kind of figured it would start up since it did last time I put a coil pack on it, but it didn't. I'm thinking the problem probably does lie in my ignition (maybe spark plugs or spark plug wires since it's not the ICM or the coil pack anymore). Regardless I'm going to go through and do a full tune-up (all the filters, hoses, fuses, spark plugs and wires, etc.) and replace some things that look like they need replaced. In the process, while cleaning out my air filter/air box I noticed something that seemed amiss. I saw a bracket where it seemed like something should be and a plug that was not plugged into anything. So my question is... what is missing??


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Guest RaverReatta

Ah okay! I don't think mine is set up for cruise control anyway, nor do I really want it. I was kind of concerned that something vital to the car running was missing! Thanks very much for the clarification, now I can continue checking the ignition and fuel system over :D

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Should be triggering some error codes and the SES light as well. CC unit is common on many GM cars of the period and should be cheap in a yard. Hopefully the hose and rest of the air cleaner is just off and not missing, running without can be very hard on the engine. Also hope you upgraded to a modern Delco ignition (also cheap in yard).

As to non-running, did you try putting about a 1/2 oz of gas into the plenium & cranking ? If nothing happens it is ignition. If sputters then stops it is fuel delivery.

Edited by padgett (see edit history)
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Guest RaverReatta

Hmm that explains some things. I am, like you said, getting error codes and lights lighting up on my dash. Anyway, yes, the box and hose are most certainly on there :P I was taking off the whole assembly to clean it and the filter to make sure that was not part of my "get the car to start" issue, and that's when I found that missing. I kind of do think it is the ignition like you stated, after replacing the coil pack and ECM (hopefully neither of those were a dud), my next project is going for spark plugs and spark plug wires. Eventually I'll upgrade to an MSD ignition, but for now I'm just buying the OEM parts to get it running. On the other hand, it did sputter a little bit when it actually ran for a little while, but I'm imagining AND HOPING that that was just the fact that it had been sitting without being driven for a long time before I bought it. I'll definitely try out running the high grade gas through it, and perhaps sea foam/injector cleaner. Other than that, the only problems with the car that I know of are that the dash display does not work, and the trunk does not open. Could be fuses or wiring. Regardless, I think this car was a steal for $550!! (:

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Guest RaverReatta

That was undescriptive slang I suppose. I won't be doing anything crazy today. No worries.

EDIT: Wait, nope, that was me reading things wrong. (Facepalm) thanks for that harry.

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Guest Corvanti

part of the problem may be bad/old gas. had your reatta been sitting for a few months prior to your purchase? if so, and you haven't already filled the tank, drain the old gas out. mixing old and new gas isn't the best way to go. water will separate from the ethanol over time among other problems...

also check your fuel pressure for a clogged fuel filter or bad fuel pump (BTDT) :) Ronnie's site will help tremendously! Reatta Owners Journal - Repair Tutorials & Information

and parts available thru his "reatta store".

agree with the starting fluid idea. if it starts with a shot or two of that, again, that would make me want to check out the fuel system first.

good luck on resurrecting another "driver"!!! ;)

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part of the problem may be bad/old gas. had your reatta been sitting for a few months prior to your purchase? if so, and you haven't already filled the tank, drain the old gas out. mixing old and new gas isn't the best way to go. water will separate from the ethanol over time among other problems...

also check your fuel pressure for a clogged fuel filter or bad fuel pump (BTDT) :) Ronnie's site will help tremendously! Reatta Owners Journal - Repair Tutorials & Information

and parts available thru his "reatta store".

agree with the starting fluid idea. if it starts with a shot or two of that, again, that would make me want to check out the fuel system first.

good luck on resurrecting another "driver"!!! ;)

I agree with draining the gas if it is old. It is an easy process on a Reatta. Just disconnect the line on the tank side of the fuel filter and securely connect a hose to it that will reach a gas can. Then connect 12 volts to the green prime connector in the engine compartment and the pump will start running to pump the gas out of the tank.

Fuel Pump Prime (Test) Connector Location

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Guest RaverReatta

Awesome, thanks! It has been sitting for.... well... many months before I bought it so old gas really could be part of it, and I DID mix old and new gas, but I'll just drain all of it out and put some higher octane gas in to kind of... clean up a little. The fact that I got it home alright makes me kind of doubt I have anything clogged, but you never know, and it never hurts to check.

Side note: I just ordered new plugs and wires (NGK Iridium, and MSD wires), and I'm replacing them both tomorrow or over the weekend. :D and also, I'm making sure my battery is fully charged too (it would kind of suck to replace everything and figure out that was your only issue lol!!)

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Guest RaverReatta

Certainly, will do. I'm sure it would be good to change all the filters in my car over time since it's been sitting and it's somewhat old.

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Guest Corvanti

i wouldn't worry too much about a higher octane "fresh gas", but i can't see where it would hurt. and definitely change the filter, as Ronnie sorta said, it's a PITA! get some PB Blaster (similar to WD-40) and soak the heck out of the connections...

if you can find "ethanol free" gas near you, i'd go for that at least until the problem - if fuel related - is resolved. here's a list for alabama: Ethanol-free gas stations in the U.S. and Canada

when i drained my fuel tank, i threw a few coffee filters in the funnel (silly sounding) to the gas can(s). but on the reatta, i did not find any rust, etc. when i drained her, just a bad "old gas" stain - however i have found rust on other old vehicles i have purchased, and took appropriate action.

also check the "search forum" in the right corner above the "buy and sell" category. has helped me with many problems.

hope that helps! :)

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Guest Richard D

I don't think using high octane fuel would make a difference, fresh fuel is the best way to go. If you do use starting fluid use very little, I have seen an engine get destroyed by someone using starting fluid. If you have another spark plug around I would plug that into a spark plug wire and ground the plug while a friend cranks the engine and you watch for a spark. Have you checked the crankshaft position sensor? It's right behind the dynamic balancer and can cause a no spark condition.

Best of luck!

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Guest RaverReatta

@Corvanti : Good deal, thanks for the advice! I actually go to a few of those gas stations listed in my town sometimes.

@ Richard D : I'll heed that warning, I think I'm just going to try a little bit of gasoline like padgett advised, it nearly always worked for us when I worked at a repair shop. Also, I'll be sure to remember to check that if the problem persists! Much Appreciated

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I meant I pull one of the big vaccuum hoses from the octopus (careful, is liable to be brittle) and pour about 1/2 oz of gas right into the manifold. No need to remove the intake hose.

Hate to see you throwing a lot of money into a Magnavox and MSD when the 1991 and later Delco ignition works so well.

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