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1926 Motor age

Guest 1930

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Unfortunately somehow page 32 was not added but I thought it was still worth showing, I have one Bill coming up soon that you will really like I think



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Well what do you guys think, ( besides Bill ) I was hoping some of this might start some interesting discussions and or comments.






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Bill, Mike, Terry, Bob, Caddy. and anyone else that participates on this forum regularily,

Its getting tougher to find the time to scan these, we seem to have alot going on right now on this forum and it all great stuff.

If any of you would like me to send the appropriate year book ( for your car ) so that you can thumb thru it I KNOW that each and every one of you will care for it and return to me when you are done.

They are avail 1931 down to 1918 and most are no less than an inch thick of thin paper so lots of info.

No rush on their return ( within reason, say a few months ) Please be sure that you are going to still be above ground in a few months so I get my books back and dont find them being sold on e-bay by some greedy family member :D

I would like to try and keep it up as much as time permits but figure you guys might like to read some of these things. They are all pretty beat up so no reason for the white glove treatment.

If they were pristine and were I was worried about them getting them handled than I wouldnt be mailing them!

Heck, maybe you guys could scan and sumbit some of this stuff here!

My e-mail address is jhason2@yahoo.com

This ones for you Bill, my friend

I know the scans are crappy, when the guy put these books together I guess he cut the pages out and some of them were inserted into these new books deeper than other, I scanned and re-scanned these pages alone 3 times trying to get it better, if you have the book in front of you its no problem to read.

Whatever glue/binding they used in these books it is bullet-proof, I have bent the shiz out of these binding trying to get clearer scans and the book simply will not bend any further, its like trying to bend a 2 by 4.





Edited by 1930 (see edit history)
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