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Shots of my Foumula Vee without bod help Identify

Jay Wolf

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I got the car out of the trailer tonight and shot so pictures with out the body.

I tried to addthm to the other post but it wouldn't let me.

So here they are:

No luck up loading them her either I get:

"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

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At first glance, I thought Bobsy Vega or Vanguard. But on second look, the chassis looks homebuilt. The side rails look a lot like an early Autodynamics but everything else looks home-made. It is actually very flimsy looking, especially in the front. The fuel tank setup is odd also, as except for the early Formcars most vees have the tank under the seat. The body does look like it is Autodymanics, but later, either a MkIV or MkV. The exhaust setup is bizarre for a vee, definately keeps the driver warm.

I have a complete set of Vee Line magazines in my collection. I'll look through them this weekend and see if there is anything there.

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Looks pretty early or homebuilt. By 1973 just about all FVs had gone to zero rear roll stiffness and I do not see the linkage here. The reason was to load the front tires as early as possible, early Vees suffered greatly from unladen understeer.

As to cooling, FV required stock parts in many places to keep costs down. To get a few more HP to the rear wheels, the fan belt was often left quite loose. For many the cost of an engine was low enough that winning was worth overheating.

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