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Help with a part number for an oil pump?

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I'm hoping to have a local machinist friend make a reproduction oil pump for my 1928 Dictator 6 - to that end I'm on the search for a manufacturing diagram and was wondering if anyone had one with the correct specs the machinist can pull from? I had initially contacted the Studebaker Musuem and they requested a part number...of which I don't have. The particular vehicle I have has a body tag of #GEW-3, 5060 and an engine number I can faintly make out as GE 1?503 (the question mark is for a number I can't deciper - could be a 4 or 7).

Any help finding either the correct part number or a diagram they might be able to copy (or I could buy) would be greatly appreciated!


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The part number seems to be 127505 for the BODY, OIL PUMP for GE, GJ, GL, SI, and 53 models. Have you got a picture of the body?

The oil pump idler gear is 127502 and the drive gear is 127504. Andy Beckman at the museum can probably find the drawing for the body, though you may need several levels to get a casting and machined part drawing.

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This was discussed last year in July as well. There are pictures and part numbers listed. One thingI learned is that there were two different 6 cyl. engines in 1928, depending on the series. The 1st series had the engine from the '27 with the high semi-circular exhast manifold. 2nd series dictators like mine had the 6 cyl engine that ended up being the '29 6 cyl. engine.

This was discuss extensively in the below thread, so you should read through that.

It appears my car's oil pump is OK as we just had the car running a few weeks ago for the first time and I had 30lbs pressure on the gauge. However I would be interested in another one to "ward off the evil spirits", so if you pursue this, let me know and i may go in with you.


Keith Gramlich

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