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Mystery piece near steering column

Guest AlexWeber

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Guest AlexWeber

I'm in the process of replacing the steering column in my 89. Unfortunately I was not the one to take apart my dash in order to do so which means I didn't disconnect the parts. I figured out all of them except one wire that doesn't seem to go with the main wire cluster. I wish I would have gotten a picture but I will describe it best I can.

It's a thick grey wire that comes from the right of the steering column and arcs past it and seems to run parallel to it on the left side. It goes a bit further than where the main cluster of wires plugs in. About 3 inches from the end of the wire is a black clip and on the end is a rounded metal tip with a white plastic sleeve that can slide back about half an inch and reveal bare wire.

Any help is appreciated. I hope I painted a clear enough picture.

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Is this wire attached to the steering colume? I have worked on a few steering columes and have never run it this type of wire.

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Guest AlexWeber

I am not sure. I cannot find a place for it on the steering column. It was hanging independently when I took the old one out but all of the other wires were disconnected as well. I will post a picture ASAP.

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Guest AlexWeber

It's not for my brights, those work fine. That is an excellent tutorial but all I did was replace the entire column.

Here are some pics





^You can see the run of the wire. It's the thick black one that goes down into the center of the dash.

It seems like that is where it wants to sit according to how the wire is arched.

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Guest Squire Tom

geez , i would have guessed an alternating reflux discombobulator thingy, or a manual antenna retractor. looks like too sturdy a part for a reatta.

well , one less thingy to come loose at freeway speed.

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