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Suggestions for parts vendors


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There are a lot of parts vendors on this forum. We need each and every one them to be here. They are lifelines for us to help keep our Reattas going. However, we don't need to hear their arguments, most of which originated from something that was done or said years ago. Arguments about quality of parts and the integrity of the sellers comes up more and more often. It serves no good purpose and it is a disruption to the normally good discussion that we usually have here on this forum.

I realize I have no authority or control over this forum but I would like to offer a solution that will allow vendors to sell their parts in a manner that will avoid all the personality conflicts and arguments. I propose that we have a set of guidelines, or "code of ethics" if you will, for parts vendors. I think if everyone would abide by the following simple rules most of the problems like we've had recently could be avoided.

  1. All offers to buy or sell parts should be posted in the Reatta Buy/Sell Forum. (I know this is not going to always happen but it should.)
  2. When someone does post a request for a part here in this forum, the vendor's offer to sell them the part should be made through the forums private message system. NOT by posting a public offer to sell them the part. Posting the offer publicly is how most of the arguments start and only distracts other readers.
  3. When a vendor posts a part for sale in the Reatta Buy/Sell Forum, other vendors should not take part in that vendors thread by also offering parts for sale. That is unethical and inappropriate.
  4. Vendors shouldn't post derogatory comments about other vendors or about the quality of the parts they sell.

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Sounds like very good ideas.

I have always tried to follow your number 3 and fully agree.

I do prefer however direct emails as I don't always check this site so I might miss a PM. I do check my emails several times daily.

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Jim, Go to UserCP->Edit Options and scroll down to the Private Message section. Check the boxes shown below. You will never miss another PM. You will automatically receive an email from this forum notifying you of any new PMs plus you will get a popup reminder when you login.

I recommend everyone who participates in the forum do this. The settings "Enable Private Messaging" and "Show New Private Message Notification Pop-up" should be set by default for everyone who joins the forum but I don't they are.

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I do currently save all my in and out PMs but prefer direct emails as I then have a record of everything that was discussed right on my email program and can quickly look back at my sent email, sort by person and see what we discussed. My email program is on my computer so everything is saved forever unless I delete it whereas some programs like AOL you have to specifically save it in a short time or they delete it.

I have saved all my sent Reatta correspondence and most of my inbox emails all the way back to 2000. Recently I just looked at and quoted from an email sent to me in 2003.

You are right sort of though as I do get PM notifications almost every time but on occasion they go to my spam filtering and I do not see them for maybe a week.

An odd thing happened just a few days ago, I received an notification of a PM and fortunately the message was with the notification because the actual PM is not in my inbox PMs on this site.

After posting the above, I went to my spam filtering and there were two PM notifications.

What I will do is go to my filtering and put in the changes necessary to permit all correspondence from this forum to be sent to me.

Edited by Jim (see edit history)
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Guest 88atta


Great points that have been a long time coming...well overdue. These suggestions will definitely enhance the forum and help all users if applied appropriately by the vendors; hopefully vendors will take note and apply the formulas. Thank you for your suggestions and interest on this gray area.

Edited by 88atta (see edit history)
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A most excellent list of suggestions that should ensure everyone can play nice. In fact, I would respectfully suggest that perhaps the moderators of this forum should consider making the list part of the terms of service for use. I have no issue with anything in your "sellers code of conduct" and will be operating by it myself after I have some things I am working on done and ready to offer.

FWIW, I have had dealings with most regular parts vendors posting here. All personality conflicts and differences of opinion aside, each is offering a valuable service and is an asset to Reatta owners striving to keep their cars in good operating condition. Since that is the goal (or at least it is for me) I avoid the periodic shootouts and transact business as needed privately.

One last thing, it has been said one can draw more flies with honey than with vinegar, but a dead squirrel on a July afternoon in St. Louis draws more flies than anything. The real question is, who wants flies around anyway?


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A most excellent list of suggestions that should ensure everyone can play nice. In fact, I would respectfully suggest that perhaps the moderators of this forum should consider making the list part of the terms of service for use. I have no issue with anything in your "sellers code of conduct" and will be operating by it myself after I have some things I am working on done and ready to offer.


I appreciate your approval of the list. I think your idea of making my list part of the terms of service is a good one. To stop the ongoing bickering the moderators will need to implement some type of rules and my list would be a good starting point. I'm on an audio related forum that has strict rules against selling in their main forum. They only allow selling in there "Flea Market" sub-forum and only by members who have at made 100 posts or more. They don't allow one time post just to sell and item as is often done here. They also have a feedback rating system in place so buyers can rate the sellers without attacking them openly over deals that have gone bad. With the feedback system the unscrupulous vendors are soon weeded out. The rules I suggested are very reasonable compared to rules on a lot of other forums.

It appears that my suggestions are falling on deaf ears as far as the majority of the parts vendors are concerned. I was hoping they would all voice their approval and commit to abide by the guidelines I laid out but that doesn't seem to be the case. I guess they are content to argue the same old arguments over and over.

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Guest Kingsley

Ronnie - just back from vacation and back out of town again early tomorrow - will get back to you the first of the week.

For now, if I view the Forum from the point of a non-parts vendor, I can see where certain exchanges are distasteful; however, in the course of selling parts I learn of verifiable instances of improper selling practices which have victimized customers of mine and other Reatta owners. Some thoughts on the best way to deal with this would be appreciated. When brought out now on the Forum they seem to get deleted.

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Guest Kingsley

Ronnie - Certainly a step in the right direction. The Discussison Forum is just that and any post/thread/signature relating to the buying and selling aspect should be placed in the Buy/Sell section as that is precisely what it is intended for.

My question as to how to deal with improper selling related issues remains open.

"Aye" for making the overall Reatta Forum better and more effective.

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