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You are at the Buick Club of America National meet. You just got out of the shower and are standing at the window brushing your teeth, looking at the activity going on in the parking lot. You then see a guy rolling a jack under your car and prceed to jack it up!!!! This just happened to me! What would you do????

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i would grab my cell phone, a pair of shorts, call the cops and run out there, if the guy is under the car, i would lower the jack, and let the car hold him there untill the cops showed up. if the guy wasn't under the car, he's gonna wish the heck he was. charles coker, 1953 pontiac tech advisor.

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Guest my3buicks

Tom, can't wait to hear the details!!!!

(Btw: we are hoping u had a towel on when standing in front of the window brushing your teeth after just stepping out of the shower)

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That's such an incredible story it's hard to wrap my head around it. 1st, open the window and yell expletives at him. 2nd, observe his mode of transport to your car and any other details of him. As a followup, alert the meet coordinators in a hope of increasing security.

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I would not yell at him from the window as he may run away and get a chance to touch some other car. I would call 911, get some pants on, get my camera or cell phone (if it has photo capabilities) and a buddy and walk down and start by taking photos. By that time, he may notice you and either try to run or fight. Chances are, he will run, but you now have the idiot's photo and a chance for the POLICE to catch him. If it were happening to me, I would REALLY have to try hard not to beat the guy to a bloody pulp.

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Get those pictures from your hotel window, NOT just after you arrive on the scene!!! OR at least get somebody to shoot video on your regular camera from the hotel window as you go down to see what's going on, while also calling the cops and anybody else you can think of. One time when a big memory card can come in handy, on the phone AND in the digital camera!

Any updates?????


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OK - here's the complete story. The room phone rang just as I started brushing my teeth (Keith I'll leave to your imagination if I had a towel on) so my wife answered the phone. It was front desk asking if the white Reatta in lot was ours. Nancy confirmed it was ours. Desk said they needed us to move car the car so guys could set up tents - we said I just got out of shower and would be down in 1/2 hour. Nancy hangs up the phone and walks to window and sees a guy shoving the jack under the car and calls me out of bathroom - I watch in horror as this A-HOLE is jacking up my car. I spit out my toothpaste, throw on shorts and t-shirt and rund down. Nancy in the mean time is ahead of me with the keys cause she had clothes on aready. I get down to the lot and Nancy is already moving the car so I ask who was jacking up the white Reatta. A member of the host club committe says it was him. I lit into him screaming that under no circumstances should he be jacking up anbodys car without their permission. He said they needed to set up tents and had guys he was paying just standing around waiting on me - he said he tried to find me for 2 hours. I said bullshit we just got the call a minute before we saw him jacking. He said it was OK becase he been around cars a long time!!! I came oh so close to punching the guy out - but didn't want to go that route unless absolute necessary. I said there had better not be any damage to my car. Hell - if the guy is stupid enough to do this he is probably stupid enough to not find the correct jack points. He told me he was a committie chairman and he would cover any damage. I saw a scratch on the frame but can't be sure if he did it or not. I am still livid over this.

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With all due respect . . . "very poor form" on the part of the host committee operatives--period.

As most hotels have (or should have) the registered guest's vehicle information on their card, it might have been possible for a search for a particular license number and vehicle type AND THEN tried to contact the appropriate room BEFORE the vehicle was touched.

It should NOT be an issue if anybody's being paid or not, finding the vehicle's owner (even if it's a POS vehicle) before attempting to move it is imperative. IF any moving would need to be done, then a licensed tow truck should have been called . . . with the CORRECT means of getting the vehicle moved without damage . . . regardless of who is paying their bill.

Of course, if this was a court of law and cross-examination was taking place, asking the host's operative just what measures he went to in attempting to find the owner could be inquired about. Of course, with cooperation of the local police, they could have run the license plate and then inquired as to if that person was registered at the hotel. Be that as it may, even if the vehicle was parked in a legal location.

What happened with getting the location in the parking lot marked off and secured BEFORE anybody parked there????? Or put up some perimeter fencing well in advance of the possible arrival of participants???

With all due respect, also, might this also be a situation where having activities at the host hotel's parking lot might need to be re-thought or better planned for?

Thanks for the updated information. Hopefully the rest of the event, for you and your wife, will be better!


Willis Bell 20811

Edited by NTX5467 (see edit history)
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I think there is a lesson that can come out of this. It should somehow be a requirement to register your car with the hotel. As National meets have a list of 4-5 hotels, including the HOST, if a registrant is staying at one of the recommended hotels at the BCA rate, from now on, license plate and vehicle description should be a requirement before getting your room key.

That way, if a car needs moved, people in charge would know who owns the vehicle and which room they are in or a cell phone number.

Everyone should quit being in such a hurry, slowdown and whatever needs done will get done in due course.

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Read this earlier and thought, ya gotta be kidding right?? I once decked a kid sitting on my fender, that was way back in high school. Don't know how I'd react to some dude with a jack. I still can't believe someone would do that.

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I'd like to see him try that with the '48 Roadmaster.



Or any of the old X frame cars I am thinking 58ish to 64. I always had trouble locating jack points on the 63 or 64 Buicks. Now, think if this fellow had an accident lifting up the Reatta and then sues for damages. It could happen.

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I think people ought to get the host chapter's side of the story before anyone goes jumping to conclusions. I did and it puts a WHOLE DIFFERENT LIGHT ON THIS incident. That is all I am going to say.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Well, I know that I was sort of "egged on" in the initial post by not having all of the facts, so I will back off about what I said when I mentioned calling 911 and all of that other stuff. Had I known the background of the story or had been there, I am certain I would not have been so aggressive in my post.

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Guest ReattaGirl

I was going to stay out of this, but I am not going to let Mr. Phillips (or anyone else) question my husband's integrity.

I saw the jack being pushed under our car and the handle being pushed on to raise the car. This happened less than 30 seconds after the front desk called us asking if we could please move our car.

I grabbed the keys and ran to the elevator. By the time i got outside it appeared that somene from the hotel had told this co-committe chairman that we were on our way down because the jack had been removed from under our car.

The car was not parked illegally. We had parked in that spot as instructed by the security guard when we arrived on Sunday afternoon.

On the 4th of July a friend of ours picked us up around 11 a.m.to take us into Boston for the Red Sox game, then on to dinner, and then to the esplanade for the fireworks. We arrived back to the hotel around 2 a.m. on the 5th. BEFORE we left with our friend, we showed him our car. There was some activity in the parking lot, but no one asked us to moved our car.

The fact remains that not only did a stranger touch our car; he physically jacked it into the air without our permission!

And, Mr. Phillips, that is the truth. Give me a Bible and I will swear on it.

Nancy Taylor

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Guest ReattaGirl

And another thing Mr. Phillips, why wouldn't you also come to talk with my husband so you could be an informed forum poster by hearing the entire story from BOTH sides?

Nancy Taylor

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Whenever I see smoke rising, so to speak, I usually try to find the real source of the smoke from a vantage point aways back from it. This can also reveal there to be 4 or MORE sides to a story, when all of the side issues and such are considered. From my observations, the "source of ignition" is usually NOT on the surface, but deeper down in the whole mix of things. I also suspect there might be an "Ooops, we forgot something" in the mix, too, with all due respect, on the part of someone's planning activities.

Now, we additionally know that the vehicle was not physically moved, just "attempted to be moved" until that activity was ceased with information from the hotel's operative. Thanks for that additional information, Ms. Taylor.

For the benefit of those of us out here and others closer in, could we have an explanation from the Host Chapter's operatives of a time line for their activities regarding this situation? No agendas or egoes, just facts. No intent to keep fanning the prior flames of the situation, just a request for factual information and no more. If they might desire to send me a PM, that's fine too.

In the end, this can serve as a learning situation for future meet planners and operatives. Seems that there have been several issues with parking when meets were held on hotel property and parking lots, at several prior meets. Hopefully, positives can come from this situation.


Willis Bell 20811

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Guest my3buicks

I personally can't see under ANY circumstance the host chapter or anyone else for that matter moving a car by this method(a jack), period. :mad:

If a car has to be moved and all avenues to find the owner have been exhausted - then it needs to be done properly and professionally.

A jack under a show car to move it - GET REAL PEOPLE!!!!! Inexcusable no matter what the scenario!!!!!!:(

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I publicly apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and all others on the forum if anyone on this forum thought I was questioning their integrity. That was not my intent. I thought their side of it was being presented pretty well on this public forum, so I didn't go to them to get their side of it, I'm sorry for that ,too.

I should have stayed out of it. As with most disputes, there are two different views of the same situation and what I saw was the enitre meet and the BCA being trashed by those who chose to jump in on this discussion, without hearing both sides of the situation.

I should not have inserted myself into this at all. The people who made the decision can speak for themselves if they wish.Lesson learned,and I apologize to all involved. Let's please remember why we are here: to improve the BCA, renew old acquiantances, make new ones, to have an enjoyable meet and celebrate and maintain the cars that Buick built.

Pete Phillips

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I personally can't see under ANY circumstance the host chapter or anyone else for that matter moving a car by this method(a jack), period. :mad:

If a car has to be moved and all avenues to find the owner have been exhausted - then it needs to be done properly and professionally.

A jack under a show car to move it - GET REAL PEOPLE!!!!! Inexcusable no matter what the scenario!!!!!!:(

I believe this is the issue, has nothing to do with the BCA or people running the meet. Someone messing with somebody's property.

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That's why I believe all it can be at this point is a learning situation, like Willis, it's about what to consider for the future.

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