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PA Residents! Good news

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last week I got a response from Senator Costa in response to an email I had sent out to all the leaders of the Senate a few weeks ago.

He said that the bill is still alive and that the Senate had some serious bills to consider towards the end of the year on things like the recent flood in Central PA and this would most likely come up for a vote after the new years.

Visit my website ata: http://mysite.verizon.net/vze114b79/

Check out the Political tab related to this bill.


1933 Chevrolet

1962 Triumph TR4

1984 BMW 633 CSi

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  • 4 weeks later...

PA Residents - please email or otherwise contact your Pennsylvania Senators and ask them to put forward a "motion to take from table" HB 1203 so that it can be voted on. If this bill is not acted on by the end of the 2012 session it will die once again. The bill is closer to passing than any time in the past and may not be this close again (it has already been passed by the PA House and Senate Transportation sub-committee).

For those who have Senators that are up for reelection this year you may want to express to them that if this bill is not a priority to them, as it is to you, they obviously don't share the same objectives/priorities as you and why would you vote for a representative that doesn't share your objectives/priorities. The AACA has many members and even a few votes can help decide an election.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I ended up emailing all of the Senators that have email addresses and let them know what I thought both as someone in the hobby and as a municipal police officer in Pa. Hopefully they will go with this in the near future and get it done already. As a police officer I feel that they should do away with the new ( well newest ) style plates because when they get dirty they are harder to read then the blue and gold ones. There are also some changes that I would like to see added in the section of the vehicle code involving the use of antique plates but one thing at a time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got a call from my state Senator's office. They have finally notice I have sent numerous emails on this topic and basically told me what I already know about the bill. Then my question was when was she going to put forward a motion to remove it from the table so the Senate can vote on it. I believe her lackey got the point when I told him my vote in the next election she runs for is dependent on this. The email will continue until they take some action.

It is time for another cycle of emails to your senator to take action on this bill. As a minimum please email your Senator and Senator Rafferty, the Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee.

As jjohnb said: ask them to put forward a "motion to take from table" HB 1203 so that it can be voted on.

Also remind them that this should save PennDOT money since they will not be required to supply the license plate.

A comment that if this bill is not brought up for a vote will affect your vote in the next Senatorial election could also help.


1933 Chevrolet

1962 Triumph TR4

1984 BMW 633 CSi

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Guest impalabern

Facebook Support page has been added for HB1203. It is titled "Pennsylvania Year of Manufacture License Plates HB 1203" Tell all of your face book friends to like the page and let it be known we are in favor of YOM plates in PA.

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Guest jjohnb

I sent the below email to Senators Rafferty and White last week, I will let you know what response I receive. Senator Rafferty is my local senator.

Senators Rafferty and White,

I would like to request your assistance to restart HB 1203 and bring it to the Senate floor for a vote. Currently 38 of the 50 states have laws allowing the use of “Year of Manufacture” license plates on antiques vehicles. Ironically, the largest antique automobile club in the world is the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) and it’s headquartered right here in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The AACA has over 60,000 members with Pennsylvania being one of, if not, the largest states for membership. While this may not be one of the most critical bills pending consideration, it is however important to many of your constituents who are hoping you share their interests and concerns. There are several hobbyist forums on the web with active threads following the progress of this bill, any support you can provide to influence the movement of this bill would gain you immeasurable goodwill. This bill has been proposed several times over the years to no avail, should you be the one to finally succeed in helping it pass you would gain the support of a very large voting block to help you succeed in your future endeavors.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Guest jjohnb

Thank you Senators Lawrence, Rafferty and White! This bill has been a long time coming but it passed!

Bill InformationRegular Session 2011-2012

House Bill 1203

Short Title: An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further regulating antique, classic and collectible plates.

Prime Sponsor: Representative LAWRENCE

Last Action: Third consideration and final passage, March 28, 2012 (48-0) [senate]

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It is great news and we are trying to arrange a special ceremony! I am very hopeful and encouraged that the Governor will support this legislation as he has appeared to understand the importance of our hobby in the past. He braved the elements last year to attend the Elegance at Hershey and present the Governor's Cup. He was very gracious.

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I am not 100% sure about this, but I believe PA state law says the Governor has 10 days to sign bills Yea or Nay. If he doesn't sign it within 10 days of arriving at his desk then the bill automatically becomes law.

So unless the governor has heart burn about this bill for some unknown reason, it will become law within 10 days of arriving at his desk.

I have already sent the Governor an email requesting he sign the bill.

To email the governor use the attached link and select "E-mail the governors office": Contact

Visit my website at: Bob's Vintage Cars


1933 Chevrolet

1962 Triumph TR4

1984 BMW 633 CSi

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is law!! Now to make sure that it gets administered properly! Next issues we are working on is a way to review cars that are rejected for antique plates and how to make it easier to register cars that have no titles. Meeting in May to cover those subjects.

It is terrific we have such a great friend in Rep. Lawrence and a strong and loyal AACA member.

Things are looking up for car guys in PA!

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Guest jjohnb

I'm probably getting ahead of things as PennDOT will need to work out all of the specifics but I was wondering, do you think they will allow the use of license plates designated as "Official" (see example below)?


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Guest Siegfried

Really looking forward to this! Herb Oakes restored a 1955 Pa. plate for me 3 years hence. Its for the 1955 Volkswagen I've been working on as an antique driver.

Steve, thanks for your efforts, and thanks to the law makers who got it done.

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Guest corvairmaven

Great News!

Posted: Monday, April 16, 2012, 10:16 AM

By DAN GLEITER, The Patriot-News

Governor Corbett has approved House Bill 1203 which will make it legal for owners of antique, classic and collectible motor vehicles to use a Pennsylvania registration plate issued between the years 1906 and 1975 (Year of Manufacture plate). See The Pennsylvania General Assembly for complete text of HB 1203.

Not sure when we can actually start using them, but if anyone hears... please post!

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Guest Siegfried

I don't recall Pa.plates as pairs, and I've never seen them for sale as pairs. But then again I've only been around since 1949.

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Pennsylvania had front and rear license plates up until the early to mid 1950s.

Siegfried, I can tell you the good license plate venders at Hershey and Carlisle sell pairs as well as eBay.

I already have sets for my cars, but I would guess the cost of pairs are going to go up with the passage of HB 1203.


1933 Chevrolet

1962 Triumph TR4

1984 BMW 633 CSi

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Guest Siegfried

Vila, Thanks for the information on the Pa. license plate pairs. I guess I better check on my '55 plate.

By the way, where in M'burg?. I'm in Paxtonia. About 5 to 10 miles N.E. of H'burg.

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Mechanicsburg PA, is 8.5 miles West of Harrisburg, PA.

Siegfried, I have seen PA matched pairs for 1952 on ebay, but not sure on the exact year they stopped using front and back license plates.

Anyone know the last year in PA?


1933 Chevrolet

1962 Triumph TR4

1984 BMW 633 CSi

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dcdpgh

It will be interesting to see how PennDOT administrates this, particularly as it relates to plates '58 and newer - which one could surmize will be the majority of applicants. From 1958 thru 1964, the plates were blue with yellow letters and state surround, and all had a '58 stamped in them. From 1965 thru 1970, the plates were yellow with blue letters and state surround, with no year stamped in them. From 1971 thru 1976, the plates were once again blue with yellow leters, and were adorned with the Liberty Bell in the middle - the "Bicentenial State '76" plates. As touched upon earlier in this thread, after 1958, the current model year on a PA plate was distinguished by the annual registration sticker received in the mail. And of course those stickers were covered over by the stickers from subsequent years.

In each of these three series, the only way to truely distinguish the year the plate was minted will be to decode the alpha-numeric digits on the plate. It's hard to imagine the state going to that length, demanding you match say a 1968 alpha-numeric sequence plate number for your 1968 car, their rcords can't be that good. I would hope they determine that any plate from one of those three series would be acceptable for a vehicle that falls within a given plate series.

If you think about it, PennDOT has a lot of particulars to work thru to get this ready for applicants later this summer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just wondering about if pennsy hb1203 is finalized. i havent anything . even the local title place cant give an answer. if its a done deal, what do i need to do to YOM plate , do i need more paper work from harrisburg or just swap my antique plate & stick it under my seat?

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I emailed PennDOT on 21 May and asking several questions on when the bill would be implemented and the process. 23 May I received a phone call from a nice woman who answered all my questions, even asked if I had any other questions when I was finished.

1. PennDOT will have the bill fully implemented by early to mid August and plans on posting a note on their website when YOM plate registration is available.

2. You will need photos of the front, both sides and back of the car even if you car is currently registered as an Antique/Historic vehicle. This is to verify the car is still in usable condition. Example, I have had the Antique purple plate on my 1933 Chevrolet since 1971.

3. You will need to take in the Title.

4. You will need to take the Year of Manufacture (YOM) plate(s) in when registering the car. I forgot to ask, but I believe you will need both front and back matching plates for 1952 and earlier cars.

5. The full registration fee will be charged, even if you currently have Antique/Historic plates on the car. Not sure, but I believe it is $75.

Visit my website at: Bob's Vintage Cars


1933 Chevrolet

1962 Triumph TR4

1984 BMW 633 CSi

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Guest jjohnb
4. You will need to take the Year of Manufacture (YOM) plate(s) in when registering the car. I forgot to ask, but I believe you will need both front and back matching plates for 1952 and earlier cars.

Vila, Can I ask why you believe we will need both a front and back plate for years prior to 1952? I know Pennsylvania used front and back plates prior to 1952 but they don't today. Did the woman you spoke to from Penndot say anything that would lead you to believe that a front and back plate will be required?



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Guest Herbie3Rivers

I'm very excited for this to go into effect, but I'm a little disappointed it only applies up to 75. I have an 83 Mercedes that's just begging for an old yellow plate.

I plan to re-register my 1972 Super Beetle on a mint 72/73 tagged Bicentennial plate that came from a collection of plates I got from my grandfather close to 20 years ago. I run it from time to time now, but now I get to legally.

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Guest Siegfried

Bob 'Vila', Thanks for doing the PaDOT research for us.

I was a software contractor at PaDOT back in 2001 for 18 months, and worked in the Road Management Section. RMS is one of several major computer software sections on floor 5 of the Keystone Building. Two notable others are Drivers Licenses, and Vehicle Titles/Licenses. If any records (either pre-computer age/use, or later are available), then you can 'Bet the farm' that PaDOT has them. They SAVE everything. I tracked my first registration of a 1956 Plymouth Savoy back to when I bought it in 1966!

As an aside: There are a few AACA members working at PaDOT.

Nice web-site.

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I want to thank all who replied about the PA YOM plates. its a great idea, but after all is said & done, what about state saftey inspections. antique requires no insp. all others like classic & streetrod & others require once a year state insp. will YOM need once a year insp. stickers?

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Guest Herbie3Rivers

Yeah, I highly doubt that they'll change the regulations for that. Though, not that it is a bad thing. But I certainly don't want a modern sticker on the windshield of my 72 VW. The lack of having the annual inspection was also a big plus for me 19th my 59 VW. Being an original Disney Herbie the Love Bug stunt car, the car was modified for special effects that would never let the car pass inspection in terms of the body. Plus having the inspection sticker would take away from the California look of the car. :D

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