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How weird is this coincidence ?


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Exactly one year ago at Back to the Fifties in Minneapolis I was talking to a fellow about maybe purchasing a '50 Olds coupe from him. His name was Harrold Anderson and after talking to him I lost his phone number.

Yesterday I got a call from a Harrold Anderson who had picked up from an estate sale, several pieces of Reatta memorabilia. He got my name, I believe from the Reatta division web site and called me.

We talked about the items he has and that he wants to sell them. In the course of the discussion he mentioned he has these items but does not know their value which is why he was calling me. He mentioned he was into Oldsmobiles so at that point I asked him if he was the same Harrold Anderson that had the beige '50 Olds at Back to the Fifties last year, and he is the same person.

I will be meeting him to look at and possibly buy an Olds from him.

He has the following items for sale and I will post them in the buy/sell forum.

Lighted sign

Complete zippered portfolio


One NOS '88-90 wheel.

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Jim is that the large lighted sign? I have seen several of those for sale the past few months. Looks like there are a lot of them comming out of the woodwork lately. Several complete portfolio have surfaced lately also. It seems the price is going up on the portfolio and down on the sign.

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I believe it is the large lighted sign. I do not follow this stuff so do not also follow prices but I thought it was just the other way around. The signs holding their value and the portfolios coming down.

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Well you may be correct, the last portfolio I saw sell was $225.00 and another couple of them the asking price was over $300.00. Dont know if they got that much money for them. I have seen a couple of signs sell for $500.00 the past few months, but they were asking $900.00 plus. I dont think they are getting that much. I dont need either one of those, but I will still buy the pewter model for $25.00 or so, OK I can wish


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