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'91 Polo


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Might find a refugee from a lollypop factory but unlikely. Can a car pass inspection in NY with a cracked windshield ?

Whenever I see a cheap steering wheel cover, I wonder.

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Can a car pass inspection in NY with a cracked windshield ?

Nope. Though the state inspections are done by local repair shops so anything can get passed if your on good enough terms with the place performing it.

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Guest steveskyhawk

When I lived in New York I could get a car inspected from a block away. It was done by a person that was to become very famous in auto racing.

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For a while in the 90s and into the 'oughts they had cameras recording the inspection tied into the inspection dynamometer and state inspection computer. Still saw situations where they'd dummy doing the inspection while having a "clean" car off-camera providing the exhaust gasses for the probe that was actually hooked up to the machine.

Seems like a dumb thing to do for a lousy $35 inspection fee, but what do I know?

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Have a similar setup here in MO for the past few years. The car is photographed, along with the VIN plate for both safety and emissions. Word is that the Highway Patrol can randomly log in and get a remote real time view of the car in front of the inspection station to see if anybody is "cheating". Don't know if this is true (it is technically possible), but they are using at least the fear of getting caught to deter such end-runs.

The better news is that any pre OBD-II car (1995 or older) is now exempt from emissions testing in the state of Missouri. This saves me $24 for each of my 4 vehicles every year, so basically $100/year I'm not blowing to have the state verify that my cars are running clean - which they are.

I still have to get safety inspections, and the stringency of these varies greatly on who is doing them. I know I keep my cars in decent shape, so this is a bit of a hassle but it is inexpensive (less than half the emissions test cost AFAIK) and you do have some wiggle room if you know the inspector and he isn't intent on busting your chops, or selling a repair job.

Problem is if you get flagged on the safety for something, you can take it down the street to another shop and probably pass on a second opinion, with some help from the wallet size portrait of Andrew Jackson you are carrying. Lots of cars with bad steering/suspension and bald tires that are more likely to cause a wreck stay on the road without needed repairs as a result of this.


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