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Serious interior eletrical issue - HELP!


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Hello everyone, this is my first time posting however i am on this forum a lot looking at everyone's issues to help resolve my own!

- Here it goes

I my dash buttons are not illuminated, neither are my shifter lights, the warning lights (ABS,Security,ect) work, my touch control center does not do the fancy intro reatta thingie, it is really bright and i cannot adjust the brightness, and it does not dim at night, also my dash panel (shows gas,speed, ect) did work at one point but now i can only see it at night and it is really dim as well as i can only see one half of it, it splits down the middle of the speed basically and i can see the right side only. The engine runs really rich, my wiper fluid does not come out and from what i could figure out with testing the grounds in such it could be the relay because the connection starts and then it drops off completely. I'm pretty sure my cigarette lighter doesn't work either. and one little thing does anyone else have a problem with their trunk lid not staying open after it rains as well as the alarm system going off on its own after-during rain. when backing up slowly sometimes engine with shut off. Driver door has recently started being hard to open. ( i know this is a lot of things but really any info would be awesome-sorry! and thanks!!)

- i have replaced

BCM, CPS, alternator, intake manifold, spark plug connectors (car was surging around 45mph - fixed that when it was replaced) , motor mount, window switch, window motors, headlamp motors, headlight bulbs, and probably more that i cannot think of as of this moment

(CPS and Window switch replaced thanks to Jim Finn's parts!)

I have replaced a lot of this myself and the rest with help from my father who is a machinist. also i have the enormous service manual

I appreciate any help anyone can give, i know one thing on the lift of possible replacement is the photocell but id like some input before moving forward as of right now.

Thank you!!!



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Umm... is this the condition you got the car in, did this all start happening at once, or is this a case of accumulated deferred repair?

Your trunk lid not staying up is an indication you need new lift supports, relatively inexpensive and easy to swap out.

You should be able to independently dim the screen by going to the brightness setting screen.

You're lucky to be in Orlando, one of our most technically-proficient members resides in the area.

Others will be along shortly to offer more adept assistance, welcome to the forum. :)

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Oh my. That is a lot of different things to be wrong and off the top of my head can think of about a dozen possible issues. I have never seen a display half work. It is good you are into DIY because there is a lot ahead of you.

How many miles are on it (am assuming it is an 88 or 89) ?and have you run the diagnostics ? (88 works for 89). I am suspecting there are a few trouble codes which might point to why it is running rich.

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Guest Mc_Reatta

Welcome Lena Rose, you have definitely dropped a lot on the forum's plate this morning for breakfast.

Almost get the feeling it would have been easier to list what was working on the car than what wasn't. :confused:

When you mention you replaced the CPS I'm guessing that's the Central Power Supply, not the Crankshaft Position Sensor.

As Padgett said, a half working IPC is a first to my knowledge also. I'm thinking internal damage to its circuit board. (poor solder joints / broken trace)

Hate to make suggestions, as I also feel you're not in a good position to be shotgunning in replacement parts which would be the easiest way to tackle all these problems. That said, I think a swap in of a working IPC would be very valuable in keeping us from chasing red herrings for the half an IPC problem .

If you have been reading the forum for awhile, you should be familiar with Ronnie's site; How To Access Trouble Codes - '88 & '89 Models - ReattaOwner.com

You need to become very familiar with the Diagnostic mode of the CRT to help in troubleshooting your remaining electrical and engine issues. Most of the problems can be narrowed down by looking at the BCM inputs and data for various components like the dimmer pot, photocell, IAC, power steering switch, etc.

Do tell us which year you have for when it makes a difference in the diagnosis.

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I am on my IPhone right now and away from home so cannot go into all the problems.

The two parts that go bad the most often in the '88-89' Reattas are the CRT and the headlight switch module. When the headlight switch goes bad it will cause many of the dimming/brightness problems you are having.

I have tested good working headlight switches available.

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Alright, thanks so much for the replys guys...

My Reatta is an 88' (sorry my signature did not load the first time i posted for some reason) it probably has 156,000 mi on it now, it was around 154 the last time i could see that half of the panel.. ha

I got the car in this condition except the panel thing that was recent, and i guess the sad part is it is in better condition when i got it cause these people ruined this car.

the codes i get are

B448 - History - Low Refrigerant pressure

B667 - History - Cruise switch shorted

B123 - History - Courtesy light switch

B122 - Current - Panel lamp dimming switch pot

B132 - History - Oil pressure sensor

B334 - History - Loss of ECM data

B336 - History - Loss of IPC data

B552 - History - BCM keep alive memory error

C553 - History - CRTC keep alive memory error

When i run the diagnostics when the car is on, (in the regular menu) anything i "check" it says that its bad/needs servicing/ its wrong ha i don't know how many ways to say it, but i don't think that is right .. i hope !! haha

last night i was leaving my boyfriends and my headlights wouldn't come up and it did this before 3 weeks ago when i was working on it and for some reason when i open the hood and i press the headlight button they flip up.

i also have a driver door sensor problem because no matter what it tells me my door is open.

now with the A/C when i run the defrosters it says that my refrigerant is low so it is shutting down the compressor to prevent damage, what would you guys suggest about re-filling it?

Maybe i just need a 'meet' to look at all this stuff ahah!

Also when i ran the inputs in the BCM, IPC, and ECM they all gave the correct "answer" but who knows if that's all a lie.

The panel i believe is so dim that i can only see it at night so i think it is on during the day, i just cannot see it?

oh and the brightness on the GCC (touch screen - ithink) is non adjustable, i can bring up the brightness screen and the only think that works on that screen is the return button - ha!

Edited by LenaRose (see edit history)
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Guest steveskyhawk

That is one of the best composed photographs that I have ever seen of a Reatta. Miami?

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Guest Mc_Reatta

Wow, quite a list. Everything but the lamp dimming pot is history, and you have replaced the BCM and CPS which could have fixed several of the others, I'd recommend clearing all the codes and just see which ones if any come back.

Lamp dimming pot points to the headlight switch as does your headlights not coming up all the time, so a replacement or at least a good cleaning is in order. Unless your hood is physically contacting the headlight doors, I doubt there is a connection between the two.

If you can take Padgett up on his offer to meet and replace some parts, that would be the best. Need to know what swapping out the IPC for a good one reveals.

Low refrigerant code probably means you do have a low freon level. Need to have checked to determine if you have a leak and then refill with matching refrigerant or have a conversion done if the code returns after clearing.

The display in the regular mode that shows all the warning messages for the systems is not the diagnostics mode. Just disregard.

Constant Door Ajar warning is most likely a broken switch on the door latch. A PITA to get to and replace. Could have be jostled when the window motor was replaced. Won't hurt anything so it can wait until more important items are repaired.

Check to see if you have the ALDL connector cover in place.

Wouldn't hurt to check the common ground points and power distribution point by the battery to make sure they are clean and tight as well as checking the battery cables.

I think there is more to the lighting dimming problem then just the headlight switch, but would like to see if a new IPC changes things before troubleshooting the photocell etc. There is an override in diagnostics for the dimming pot (BCM Overrides BS02 and BS03). You might try playing with them between 0 and 99 and see what happens. If you try that, might as well check the output of the photocell using BCM Data display BD44 and place and remove an opaque object (like a book) from over the photocell in the center of the dash under the windshield and see what happens. Should be high when uncovered and go low when object is covering it. Controls automatic dimming of panel lights.

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I will definitely try to gather some free time to make a meet to take up your offer. Thank you so much for by the way.

Oh and that photo is actually a composite it is my car (photo taken by me with my canon t2i SLR) but I composted it together with south beach miami at sunset. Because I always felt my baby looked like she belonged in Miami vice. (it is supposed to be reminicent of an 80s magazine ad for my car- with the photo grain ect and coloring-) And yes I will replace fabricate fix hug back together any part any piece of this car, I wouldn't give it up for the world. This car is me. (everyone who knows me seems to agree 100%).

Also if anyone would like artwork done let me know! I do just about everything and I recently re-did my fathers machine shop logo/business card.

Edited by LenaRose (see edit history)
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I like that spoiler, Alero ? Every car needs a trunk handle. Glad you can draw, I can't draw a straight line with a protractor. Since am an engineer, digital thingies save me.

Am trying to get the Judge buttoned up from redoing the endura (no one works with endura and every normal paint cracks over time) so home randomly.

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