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Those Darn Brakes!

Guest Double M

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Guest Double M

Driving home the other night and smelled the tell tale scent of burning Asbestos. Then after 25 miles or so, I came to a stop and a whole bunch of smoke starts pouring out of my drivers side front wheel. I was only about a mile or so from home, so I drove it home and the smoking subsided.

Brought it in to my Mechanic and just as suspected the Front Calipers were shot along with the hoses. They were Original. Throw in an Oil Change and a Rad Flush and I am now $400 poorer. That was 3/4 of my pay check, BTW. But he did note that I have a practically new Radiator.

Add that to the brake toll...

$300+ Brake Sensor (Mechanic Installed)

$130 Accumulator

$300+ Calipers (Mechanic Installed)

and the ABS still doesnt work. The light stays off until about a block away and then comes on again. During the time that the light stays off, the ABS does work. The furtherest it has stayed off is about a half a mile. I am not a fan of ABS so I am not stressing out over it. But it would be nice if they worked, since there does not seem to be any problems. I can always put a piece of electrical tape over the Yellow ABS light.

The car now stops better than ever and no longer pulls to the left when stopping at high speeds as it has since I got it. I just got used to it.

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If you had a headache, you would probably take something for it.

If you got drunk, felt terrible the next day you would probably surmise that drinking less would solve the problem.

When your car is pulling in one direction when stopping, a logical person would think something was wrong and either investigate or have it looked at. You did not and it cost you $300 to get it repaired.

The ABS works sometimes and doesn't sometimes, sounds like an intermittant problem.

Get it looked at or stop complaining.

These problems are not unique to the Reatta. If you cannot or do not want to work on it yourself, then any vehicle you own could have similar problems.

You need to buy newer cars that are still under warranty or expect to pay for problems that pop up.

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If the ABS (yellow) light comes on and the Brake (red) does not a code should be set. See the FSM section 5E for instructions on how to pull codes (count yellow light flashes). Knowing what code(s) are being set or not will greatly aid diagnosis.

BTW certain checks do not occur until you reach a certain speed. Is the light coming on after a time, distance, or a speed is reached ? You can often reset the light by turning the ignition off then back on again.

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Angelo....... I want to apologize for my reply a few days earlier.

My wife was reading the discussion page and ask me what I was pissed about when I answered you. So I reread it and it was a little strong. Not sure what brought that on, mayby I had just received a sales call before doing the reply...

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Guest Double M

Apology accepted. I expect nasti-ness in this forum, it is not a freindly place, but it is nice to know that some people can own up to it.

I will also apolgize. My economic situation seems to remind you all that it is not a perfect little Reatta world out there. Some weeks it is a struggle to just put gas in it, never mind a pair of Calipers. I think most people here just dont understand the choices that many of us have to make to not only keep our cars going but to keep us going. A rich man's resto project is a poor mans daily driver/fix-er upper - except the work is not done as desired, the work gets done as can be afforded. I have a long list of what I know needs to be done to my car, but I have an even longer list of things that need to be done to this thing called life.

Thanx again for the Apology, it sets a good example around here for tolerant behavior.

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My problem with people driving with known brake/drive issues is not so much the fact that they could kill themselves, but that they could kill some one else. Driving a car with a pull to the left means that if you are not paying attention and hit the brakes, you could go into the other lane and cause a head on resulting in serious injury and even death.

Barney's point is well taken but poorly worded. He should have chastised you for driving the car without getting it fixed.

BTW I think this is a very friendly site. It offers a real service to the "newbies" and does a great job of promoting the Reatta.

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I see we have here two first class folks, among almost all the others, on this forum.

Barney for realizing his mistake and apologizing for it and Angelo for graciously accepting it.

I believe 99% of the posters here are good folks wanting to help others with the same Reatta interests.


I just reread Angelo's post and got a laugh, about expenses.

I just came from filling up my GMC pickup. It took $ 76. As I was leaving the gas station I asked my wife what our first house payment was and she said it was $ 67 and that included taxes and insurance. That was in 1967.

Edited by Jim (see edit history)
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