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Hood ornament repair needed.


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Can anyone please reccomend a shop for the repair and restoration of a 1931 Buick hood ornament. Not just replating or pits, but an actual break. Here is the best shot "I" have of the hood ornament. This is for my brothers car. Any help or leads would be very much appreciated, thanks in advance.


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First let me say thank you for the help. I looked at the American Arrow website, and yes they do look great and to be very high quality. Off-topic from the Buick hood ornament, the quail for the 28-29 Ford model A looked absolutly fantastic, really great detail. My brothers Buick is an original, unrestored car, less than 12,000 original miles. I believe that it was a past AACA winner, but I will have to ask him when, (70's i believe). In the end I am sure he will want to get the original repaired, but in the short-term I think that the reproduction is the way to go (for now). If anybody else has anyone they would reccomend for this type of repair please let me know, any and all help is appreciated.

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I just bought a friend one of their Packard mascots as a thank you for twisting my arm into buying Ford stock at under $2.00.:D Their stuff is pricey, but typically better than an original as stainless will not pit and likely will never break.

I just had Dan straighten my wire wheels for my '33 Continental. Got them within twenty thousandths. No more wobblies. Dan was telling me that they have 6,000 different trim pieces that they cast in stainless.

Walking into their shop is like walking into a time portal. I think Don bought all that machinery before I was born, 58 years ago.:eek:

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