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What happened to EBAY ???

Guest re-reatta

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Guest re-reatta

In a recent search on EBAY I searched for Reatta in titles only. There were nearly 11,000 items found. Only 202 of them were auction items. The rest were at a fixed price. Most of the items were generic in nature and not specifically for Reattas. It seems that EBAY has really taken a downhill slide. On a somewhat related subject, a friend tells me that his Paypal account was hacked into twice recently. Paypal made good on the problems but he closed his account to prevent further issues. You might want to keep a close eye on your account statements for any activities that you did not initiate or close the account and pay by another means.

Have a great day,


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As to the PayPal issue...

People seldom use passwords strong enough to prevent hacking.

A strong password is a password that meets the following guidelines:

* Be seven or fourteen characters long, due to the way in which encryption works. For obvious reasons, fourteen characters are preferable.

* Contain both uppercase and lowercase letters.

* Contain numbers.

* Contain symbols, such as ` ! " ? $ ? % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] : ; @ ' ~ # | \ < , > . ? /

* Contain a symbol in the second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth position (due to the way in which encryption works).

* Not resemble any of your previous passwords.

* Not be your name, your friend's or family member's name, or your login.

* Not be a dictionary word or common name.

Personally I use a neat FREE program that makes it all very safe and simple.

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Why I was out of Ebay as fast as I was in. It was more trouble than it was worth from the beginning. I still get hacking attempts though I have been out for two plus years. Frequent computer users need to be aware of the return e-mails E Bay can cause.

Tom T

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Another Internet trick.....

There is no need to use your main email for registration requirements at any site, make alternate gmail accounts. They are free and easy to use.

Only give your main ISP email address to friends and safe contacts.

Again, strong passwords and never following a provided link to ebay or any other secure site, will be all you need to be safe

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People seldom use passwords strong enough to prevent hacking.

I'm registered at probably over 100 automotive forums like this plus another 100 places like banks, Ebay, credit cards etc. that require a password. It would be impossible to keep track of them all if you changed them regularly. I've had the same PW plus two variations of the same for over 10 years without any problems. If the computer designers wanted better security, they should move to something like finger print recognition with a scanner that could be built in to every keyboard.

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I'm registered at probably over 100 automotive forums like this plus another 100 places like banks, Ebay, credit cards etc. that require a password. It would be impossible to keep track of them all if you changed them regularly. I've had the same PW plus two variations of the same for over 10 years without any problems. If the computer designers wanted better security, they should move to something like finger print recognition with a scanner that could be built in to every keyboard.

Like I posted erlier:

KeePass Password Safe

This is exactly what you need

Surely your exaggerating with over 200 unique sites you need to keep passwords for? :confused:

Look, from what I have seen, most in this hobby are not what would be considered above average for computer knowledge. Just trying to help...

The internet unfortunately is ripe with opportunists just waiting for people to make common mistakes for them to prey upon. Its a cat mouse game that will likely never end.

It's up to us, the end user, to educate ourselves and to take certain precautions to reduce the risk.

I'm not a fan of PayPal, but not for the reasons of security. Its the lack of choice is what bothers me. The same goes for EBay BTW

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Thanks Joe...

I hammer on this stuff with friends and family because some of the precautions are very simple.

Strong passwords are very important and the other thing that gets most is the phishing attack.

This is easily thwarted by never clicking on ANY link provided by some other entity, email or other wise, that will ask for information. You would be surprised how often people click on a ink that brings them to a page that looks exactly like what you would expect, like a PayPal site for example, where you have to log in...thus giving them your info directly.

It seems so innocuous but gets many without even knowing until your account is compromised. Even using a Bio-Graphic system to enter credentials would get your info divulged in this case.

PayPal's security is fine, its the end user that opens the holes for attack.

These are only a couple of things but I feel are the two most important.

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I noticed the same thing about the search results lately.. Seems Reatta became a very hot keyword to add suddenly I guess. It's like all these vendors copy off of the same common keyboard database. I am always annoyed at how many parts are sold on there for a Reatta, when they are indeed not.. Like the half-shafts, they always also say "For Non-ABS" again, some part compatibility database they all work off of is wrong. I bought one (not on ebay) awhile back, and sure enough, found it couldn't fit because of having ABS.

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Guest Kitskaboodle

On the Ebay "generic " issue.....kind of reminds me of Craigslist how people

type in mass amounts of key words at the bottom of their ads so you will get a "hit" no matter what you drive! :(


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One should never use a dictionary word as a password. Even using two together is iffy. Also using non-alphabetic characters is a Good Thing.

I always suggest to family and friends that insist on using windows to set up two user names - one with admin privies and one without. Then always use the one without. This helps mitigate the effect of any intruder. I am always amazed at the number of people, some who *should* know better, that use their computers with no protection at all.

On ebay, one thing that helps cut through the clutter is to prefix key words that you DON'T want with a hyphen character. For example use 'reatta wheels -steering' to exclude steering wheels.

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Guest steveskyhawk

If you sort by "best match" you will cut out many of those generic items. I don't think you will see many "auction" style listings from this point on. Good used parts are becoming unavailable and consequently very valuable when they come up.

The days of being able to get just about anything you need for your Reatta (used) is coming to an end. Reproduction is the wave of the future. This is going to take investment, cooperation, work and risk.

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Guest steveskyhawk

My vision is to have a Reatta catalog as other models have such as corvette, camaro, mustang, etc. Used parts are gone. Face it. Reproduction is the only way. If this stuff is to ever become available it will take investment which means return on investment. Without profit nobody will sell parts therefore nobody will get parts.

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On your wanting to have a Reatta catalogue such at Mustangs, Vettes, and Camaros, I think this could be done, but it would make very little money. These other models have tens of thousands of cars that were made. EVERY car show you go to has *at least* 2 of each. With Reattae, this is a different story. There were less than 22,000 made, you hardly ever see them at local cruise-ins, or for that matter, hardly see them EVER (at least around here)! Thus, there isn't that large a market. and many of the 22K have been driven beyond reasonable restoration, or parted out and scrapped.

What sorts of parts are you considering remanufacturing?

Just my two cents worth

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Reatta is really a lot like a GTO, mostly stock stuff used throughout GM but what is special is really special. Now if you want something so oddball, most vendors do not even list, try my MGR.

Just will not become involved in politics, have plenty at work.

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I've stated before I do 68-70 AMXs, very similar production numbers, etc as the Reatta. 40 years later there is still not a lot of reproduction parts and we have to buy used. We do have some NOS parts because of shoddy pre-computerized parts departments at AMC dealers, something Reattas probably won't have.

I look at the reatta database just because it is interesting. I also help find cars for the Allante list, Bricklin list, AMX list and collected info myself in a database for Rambler SCRamblers, Donohue Javelins, Trans Am Javelins and Super Stock AMXs. Privately collecting info on 1998 Collectors Edition Lincoln Mark VIII and 2002 Blackwood pickups. Interesting is the AMC people value the databases and info collected.

If someone transposes a number of a VIN you can write a simple Excel program to identify the check digit. If a number is not correct, the check digit will not be correct, so that VIN would be easily discounted.

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I considered Allantes before getting the white 'vert but I just like the Reatta better (Allantes came with both tops but require premium fuel and I consider the Reatta newsgroup far superior).

Always liked the lines of the first AMXs (before they became a Javelin) but frankly never saw a stock one that would stay with my Judge.

Am also wierd that I was infested with Jags in my yout and always liked the sound of a healthy six. (A 'vair with a Qjet on trombones oh my). Consequently there are now six sixes resident plus the RA 400 Judge: four 3800s in three different bodystyles, a 2.8, and a 2.4 td.

Have had a number of fours (124 spyder was best) but just never saw one that sounded as good as a Honda 750.

Now prefer computer controlled FI that runs on 87 PON which again eliminates the Allante. Did consider a Crossfire briefly but prefer GM. Went through a gaggle of 'vettes (including a FI B/P 63 coupe) in the '70s so am over that. Also appreciate a/c (all cars here have it including ones with manual transmissions).

Frankly I do not have a bucket list.

Now it takes all kinds of cars and people to make the world, 99% of which view cars are either transportation or a coffee table and I try to have a positive outlook on everything. Firmly believe that everyone serves a purpose even if it is to be a bad example.

Started out as a car nut in the '60s, endured the 70s (though had a 78 V8 Sunbird that could beat Porsches in autocrosses), in late '80s it stopped being considered antisocial, and now things are better than ever. If I wanted real muscle today, there are lots of six speed 400 hp GTOs around, but though I thought about a Solstice/Sky just could not get interested in an Ecotec 4 (nee Quad 4 by way of Northstar).

Have watched a number of car lines start out new, becone old, then collectible. Have seen GTOs considered "too new" by the silver streak crowd. Got fed up with major club politics so started the "Central Florida Streak and Goat Ropers Association" (club still survives but wives insisted on a more civilized name).

Been there, have the tee shirt, outgrew it. One thing I have seen in near a half century of fanaticism is that negativity burns brightly but never seems to last.

Say good night Gracie.

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Guest WEB 38

It not just the Reatta, E-bay is allowing all the makes of cars and parts and etc. To let all kinds of non related parts and crap to be listed together. Just so you will brows all the junk in hope you will buy something. After 777 transactions I informed them I will no longer be dealing with them.with there new policy I dont have the time looking for some thing that bad, If more would complain maybe they would go back. Bill WEB 38

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Very simple techniques like using search operators (Boolean logic), can narrow down any search.

Using advanced search

Is it a pain in the * yep, but it's only because people are tagging their stuff for more hits. So don't blame EBay directly as this abuse is very hard to police. Its just that they are still growing, the inventory of listings must be epic right now.

Refine your searches and you will get what you want. You may find that you have to keep removing certain items that keep popping up, the "-" feature will take care of that.

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"Always liked the lines of the first AMXs (before they became a Javelin) but frankly never saw a stock one that would stay with my Judge."

I used to teach auto shop back in the 70s and 80s and a student had a Judge-and still has it. One of our state reps had the one of 17 (I think that is the number) Judge converts he used to drive around in.

If you want to read some history on fast AMXs, I have been researching the Hurst Super Stock AMXs for almost 30 years and just started a website. Go to the placeholder superstockamx.com and click on the link at the bottom. Ton of info and stuff on the low 10 second wheelstanding cars from 1969-right from the factory. Everyone has heard of the Hemi Dart, so here is the record setting competition!

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On an autocross circuit sure. Of course that would be if I still had it. By the time I sold it the suspension was more welds than sheet metal & was on its third transmission and second differential. Would break 1 or 2 wheels every weekend, started inspecting for cracks before every run after the whole center of the wheel departed once.

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