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Posting Photos on this Forum

Phil Knapp

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Posting a photo is actually pretty easy.

Click on "reply" and follow these steps:

1. Click on "Manage Attachments" and a "Manage Attachments" window will appear. (attachment 1)

2. Click on "Browse" and find the file(s) that you wish to attach.

(Don't add HUGE pictures - jpg files of size 800x600 or smaller seem to work best). (attachment 2)

3. After you have added all the files you wish to attach, click on "Upload" and wait until "Done" appears at the bottom of the "Manage Attachments" window. (attachment 3)

4. Click on "Close this window"

5. Click on "Submit Reply" (attachment 4) and you're done!






Edited by Phil Knapp (see edit history)
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