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Steering Column Removal - 1941 Zephyr

Phil Knapp

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Question: How do I remove the steering column from my 1941 Zephyr convertible? I have a very nice steering column from my parts car that I want to use. That one was easy to remove - just a little touch of the acetylene torch, but I want to SAVE the convertible!

I can't believe that they assembled the steering column IN the car but I can't figure out how to get the steering wheel lock assembly through that little square hole without doing some surgery (see attachments).

BTW - there is MAROON paint on the mast jacket, not tan. Does this indicate that this car originally had the deluxe interior?

The car originally had a Columbia overdrive. At this time, all that remains is some tubing and the overdrive control cable with a tan "O" knob.



Edited by Phil Knapp (see edit history)
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Phil, I've never done this before but maybe if you move the assembly so the column is horizontal the lock may clear the body? I checked the service manul and the lock/ignition switch do come out with the coumn but unfortunately no details.

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Morning Phil

The one on my 41 Continental came out in one piece after I removed the cover from the engine bay. If you have to, take some detail photos of the shift arms, then take the bolts out of the casting holding the shift arms and split the assembly. Remove clip from steering wheel side of the shifter,move shifter shaft back, then slide shift arms off of the shaft. That should get you to where you want to be.


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