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'88 Headlight switch repair?


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I found out why my parking lights and high beams didn't work, the fuse was missing! But now I know why the fuse was missing, because the parking lights won't switch off! It looks like the parking light button in the headlight switch is jammed on. I took the switch apart and found one of the "forks" were bent out of position from probably overheating and distorting:


Right fork is the bad one but it broke taking it out anyway. I guess it prevented the spring from releasing the button.


Photo shows where the forks go, in those rectangular slots, 2 per switch.

I'll check the pick and pull junkyards but what years Reatta and Riv should I be looking for?

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88 and 89 used the same switch for the parking lights, headlights, etc. the Riviera's used a slightly different switch that included a Twilight Sentinel. As far as I know, they're pretty cheap. but I'm not sure. I know where a couple are in NC if you want to look into shipping.




'89 White/Burgundy Coupe

140k After-market Sunroof

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Guest steveskyhawk

NCReatta is correct. I'd rather have a good used switch. I dont know if the switches were Jim's or not but "rebuilt" headlamp switches have been known to short and causes a fire so buyer beware. Better off with a good used one. They are plentiful and available.

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Jim did you borrow that "bulls eye" target from Barney?

What is going on around here? We have people taking shots at others who are just trying to be helpful. Two weeks ago it was Ronnie [again], then Barney, now Jim.


From what I can see is one of a very few that put this club together. Maybe you don't like what he has done with it, but where were you 10 plus years ago when he was putting this thing together? Why aren't you now working with him behind the scenes to make this thing better? Why shoot at him in a public forum when this is something that should have been handled in a more private way?


Who took it upon himself to be the parts guru and have both reasonably priced parts and if you need advice will sit on the phone with you until he is sure you understand how a part goes on, and even take the time to be sure that the part you think you want is the part you really need?

And Ronnie

Who in the short time he has been here, has put together a great website, with all the "how to" info that most people will ever need? It should have a link from this site to his.

I think if you want to come on this site looking for help, take the time to proof read what you both wrote and are asking for. Then if you are giving advice, give it, but don't insinuate that the "switches were Jim's or not" are not any good. The above people have gone way out of their way to help others and do not deserve the treatment they have recently been given.

In my personal opinion, this website has turned into a "entitlement" website. I think that before any advice is given a person must join both the BCA and the Reatta club. It would cost them $60.00 a year, which is dirt cheap when you consider how specialized these cars are and how few mechanics there are that are willing to work on them. As a matter of fact you can't go to a dealership today without paying a "diagnostic" charge of at least one hours labor which is at least $100.00.

If you think I am wrong on joining, just take a look at the Riviera site. They give some advice freely, but for the more detailed stuff you have to join their club.

I am sorry I got on my soap box, but I am off it now...

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I'm with Daves89 on this one. This is a great site for people to express ways for others to help fix Reattas. No politics, no filth. Find a way to do it without degrading others.

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Jim only offered the parts, anything built can fail,new or repaired. Remove the negitive cable on the battery, every time you turn off the car.

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Guest gotitright

I also agree with Daves89 100%. I am lucky to get all the help this site provides thanks to so few that take the time to make it so. For example I would be dead in the water without Jim and his parts. Thank you all.

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Thank you Dave for speaking up. I have been on this site at least once a day - usually multiple times. I have learned alot about my cars, well enough to ask some stupid questions. I don't quite understand why you feel the need for BCA membership to have full access to this site, but that is okay with me as I already joined just because of some of the conversations that have taken place here.

This is a great forum. Thanks to all the members who founded and continue to maintain it.


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I too, am with DAVES89 on this one, Can't we all just offer our knowledge to each other and not get all in a huff over these silly disputes? The only reason I Suggested a used switch, is because I know that these things can be rather complicated to put back together. But if you want to rebuild it, go ahead and try it (just take pics for the rest of us, please)!! I am just here to offer my knowledge on these crazy cars, and am not trying to shoot anyone down.

I would like this place to be a welcoming place for newcomers, as well as the old folks. I wouldn't want to take part with this forum, if I was a new guy, and saw the conflict that has been going on lately. Again, I'm not trying to get mad at anyone, I just want this to be a better environment for all of us




'89 White/Burgundy Coupe

140k After-market Sunroof

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I went to a local pick and pull where I found an '89 Riv in just 5 minutes. The headlight switch was gone but the wiper switch was still there and it uses the same format. I got 4 of those fork pieces for nothing, just the $1 admission. I just put it back together but haven't pluged it in the car yet to see if it works. What I do notice is that I can press the LIGHTS and LIGHTS OFF buttons and hear the click like it's supposed to. But, if I go from OFF to PARK, no click, LIGHTS to PARK or PARK to LIGHTS yes click. What this means is that to turn on the parking lights I'll first have to turn on the headlights, or if I want to turn off the parking lights I'll first have to press the LIGHTS button and then the LIGHTS OFF button.

Not a big deal if it works and I dont have to keep pulling the fuse when the parking lights don't turn off.

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