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Color choices?


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Hi Guys,

Can anyone tell me where I can find a listing for exterior paint color choices as well as interior fabric color choices for the 1938 Buick line?



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Welcome. :)

A good place to start is with the AACA Library and Research Center. If you are an AACA member you get some research for free. If not then there is a charge. You can also request copies of whatever they are able to find in their vast store of information. There is a nominal fee for the copies and mailing. Information from them is accepted as documentation should you decide to show the vehicle.

At the top left of this page is a light blue "button" with AACA Library on it. Click on that and it will take you to information about the Library.

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Paint choices and codes are available from almost any literature vendor as well as the AACA library. Here are 2 online scans for 1938 Buicks:



As for interior fabric choices, a simple listing w/ codes can be found on a salesman's order blank for 1938, but if you're looking for swatches that you can pick from or match up you be needing a salesman's catalog (sometimes called a "data book"), which in Buicks usually has a small swatch of fabric from each type. I'm not particularly aware of the 1938 literature for this car, but if the "data book" doesn't have swatches then there will have been a color/upholstery album. Any or all of these may be in the AACA library, or can be purchased from a literature dealer (however none of them except the order blank are usually very cheap!).

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Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for.

As far as the interior color choices go, I wasn't really looking for swatches. Rather, simple color options. I understand the paint code is listed on the cowl tag. Is the original interior choice also listed on the cowl tag, or anywhere else on the car?

Thanks again,


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A ll of the choices are listed in the front of any Buick Master Parts Book. The only thing not listed is the interior paint colors and engine colors; however, these are pretty well known among Buick collectors. The tripm is identified, the wheel color and stripke color that go along with the exterior color. I have chips from 1938-1942 for all cars in a Martin Senior Book I bought many years ago at a bodyshop auction.

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Thanks Dynaflash8. I'm trying to find out if the original interior choice for a given car is listed on the car anywhere, perhaps on the cowl tag or somewhere else?



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My '36 Buick color chart shows the paint color for the interior. This includes the dash and garnish mouldings.But only the base color for the woodgrain to be applied over.I don't recall ever seeing the actual swatches for color, but the color they have available is always listed ie: Gray whipcord, brown leather, etc. The trim number on the cowl tag gives you the color of the interior. Or am I mistaken?---Bob

Edited by Seldenguy (see edit history)
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Greg-- I would suggest that you repost your inquiry. Scroll down on the forum from the general discussion to the Buick section and click on "Buick pre-war." Please post your Paint # and your Trim # from the underhood cowl tag. I am quite sure a '38 person will be able to help you. ---Bob

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