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ASC East Coast??

Guest 1928DictatorGE

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Guest 1928DictatorGE

I'm sure there have to be pre WWII Studebaker owners in the East like me! I know 2008 saw the National meet here in PA. If there is not one already, would anyone else be interested in an East Coast division/chapter of ASC? I know anout the Studebaker Drivers Club here, but haven't gotten involved due to the concentration in hot rodding. I see on the ASC website there is the Southern California Chapter and the Arizona chapter. What say you East Coasters. I am located on Long Island myself, with a '28 GE Dictator.


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Guest Gary Hearn

Actually the SDC does not have a concentration in hot rodding, but rather the preservation of cars. Do not let the website fool you, just a small percentage of the 12,000+ members spend any time there. Given the average age of club members, many never took to computers and modern technology.

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Guest 1928DictatorGE


I will stand corrected then. I was actually going by the National "Turning Wheels" publication, which just seems to have a lot of aftermarket performance stuff going on (I say "Aftermarket" understanding Studebakers own history with racing and performance). I realize now I proabably didn't take a closer look before making my statement, and I apologize. Thank you for setting me straight!! :)


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Guest Gary Hearn


No offense, and there are a number of nice modified cars in the club. Like many other organizations, they have tried to be inclusive in the face of aging membership.


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Guest southwest studebaker

Pleased to see you are thinking about a new chapter in the Antique Studebaker Club. If I can be of any help please let me know. I am the founder and President of the Arizona State Chapter of the ASC. I would be glad to send you our charter & by laws to help you set up a new chapter if you would like. In fact I'm sure I can get the Southern Ca. Chapter as well and send that along too. Just need your name and address.

Malcolm J Stinson Jr, Southwest Studebaker studebakersw@frontiernet.net

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Guest Good Old Days
Pleased to see you are thinking about a new chapter in the Antique Studebaker Club. Malcolm J Stinson Jr, Southwest Studebaker studebakersw@frontiernet.net

How about a European (or Dutch) chapter for the ASR?

Don't know how many antique Studebakers there are down here, but it must be more then we think!

BTW, Malcolm welcome to the AACA forum! You know they have been talking about you (read your car!) several times already!:cool:


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Guest southwest studebaker

Hello Carine, was wondering where you got to. Haven't heard from you in a while. I think it would be great to have a Duch chapter of the Antique Studebaker Club. Why don't you get one going. You know I'll help any way I can.

Take care, miss hearing from you. Malcolm

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Guest Gary Hearn
How about a European (or Dutch) chapter for the ASR?

Don't know how many antique Studebakers there are down here, but it must be more then we think!

I know that Greg Diffen in England has a couple and has toured the continent in one several times.

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Guest Good Old Days

Hi Gary!

Yes, I know Greg and have met him several times in the Netherlands, last time in May this year. Thank you for the tip!

He has several cars indeed.

But we have more owners, I don't know them all. It would be a challenge to find out exactly how many prewar cars there are in Europe.:D

Lets see what we can find out together with the Studebaker Packard Club!:)


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Guest Gary Hearn

You may want to put a post on the Studebaker Drivers Club website. I know there are several members who post from Sweden/Finland, but think they have post war cars.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi All,

I have been reflecting on starting the East Coast Chapter of ASC again, having now gotten my '28 GE on the road and enjoying it immensly!! Also seeing all the fun our West Coast brothers and sisters are having. I'm jealous!!

I will be posting a thread on the SDC forum as well, and we'll see what we have at that time. I think this is something we need to do here to bring all the pre-war Stude's together.

Vince, I will be contacting you this week to discuss as well. My Dad said he saw you a couple of weeks ago and that I guess jogged me again as well.

The last time we did this, a couple of our West Coast members assisted me greatly with information including by laws, etc. With many thanks to Malcom and Buzz. Thank you!!

If interested persons could please contact me at wurli1@live.com , we will see what we can do!

Thanks everyone!!

Keith Gramlich

Long Island, NY

1928 GE Dictator Club Sedan 1st Series (or maybe 2nd?)

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Mike Margerum and others in the PA, NY, NJ area have, for a number of years, organized the Northeast Roundup of ASC. Not a chapter of ASC; just a bunch of guys with the time and money to get together. Maybe someday I can get there.

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Please consider a few important details:

1. The number of SDC members who regularly read and post on the SDC Forum is a very small percentage of club members, well under 10%. I believe that about 200-300 people do 80-90% of the posts, based on statistics I looked at a while back.

2. The number of ASC members who regularly read and post on this forum is probably even a smaller percentage and ASC is about 10% of the size of SDC. See, for example, the small number of views on the posted messages.

3. The number of ASC members who regularly use computers is small, if only because of the average age of the members. They mostly still write by hand with a pen on paper. A few of us old farts just happened to get into computers when they still had vacuum tubes and ran Fortran.

4. The ASC roster is published and distributed to members. The best way of finding some people to get together with is to pick up the phone and cold-call a few people who live within driving distance of you. It's a friendly group and they would welcome a call and an opportunity to get some cars together beyond club meetings.

I'm in southeastern Mass. and you are welcome to come by any time - it's not that far from Long Island, especially if you take the ferry to New London, CT.

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Thank you. You made a couple of points that I never thought of. I am going to do as you suggest and pull out my roster and make some calls. I appreciate your advice!


At this point, I think it should be an East Coast Chapter, that I think should encompass anything east of the Mississippi River and from Florida to Maine, so yes, you would be included. Let me know your feelings on that.

Thanks All! I just see the California members and Arizona chapter having fun and I would like to be able to see some of that happen out here too!

I'll keep the forum updated as we go.

Keith Gramlich

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