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COW — The Film That Will Stop You Texting and Driving


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WARNING: Video images don't come much more disturbing than this.

Yesterday the Gwent Police Dept. in Wales released a PSA for teen drivers on the dangers of texting while driving. I've seen my son's frineds do this, and I can't believe that people think they can safely read, type, and drive at the same time.

The link below is to the Gwent Police Dept.'s web site posting of the 4 minute long video, however the video link in it is for YouTube and it can be seen there as well. This PSA is really disturbing to watch. Make sure your driving age kids/grandkids see it.

Gwent Police - News

Edited by Dave@Moon (see edit history)
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I saw edited excerpts of this PSA on the Network news programs yesterday.

Then I watched the entire PSA on YouTube.

This PSA is VERY graphic but then again auto accidents in real life usually are.

Anyone who texts or talks on a cell phone while driving should watch this.

Parents should watch this with their teenage children and discuss it afterwards.

Hopefully, the message this PSA is sending will sink in for people of all ages who use their cell phones while driving.

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I have never supported the idea of *texting* while driving which necessarily takes ones eyes off of the road.

This should not be confused with *talking* on a cell phone, IMHO, which is not unlike talking with a person sitting next to you in the passenger seat--and all 100% accomplishable w/o taking ones eys off of the road.

My two cents anyway.

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Guest my3buicks

Dave, thanks for posting this.

I made both my 16 year old daughter and 18 year old son sit down and watch it in front of me (to make sure they watched it). It is a very powerful message to the young AND the old.

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Obviously, many people think that speaking on a cell phone while driving is the same as addressing a passenger or listening to the radio. "Some people may not be able to do it, but I can" is a common opinion. But the fact is, cell phone talk does interfere with concentration and ability to drive safely. See Drivers using cell phones more likely to crash - Wireless- msnbc.com. There are numerous other studies in agreement. Even the cell phone manufacturers agree. This phenomenon has been studied legitimately, and the verdict is in. As for texting: it's even more dangerous.


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This should not be confused with *talking* on a cell phone, IMHO, which is not unlike talking with a person sitting next to you in the passenger seat--and all 100% accomplishable w/o taking ones eys off of the road.

That is patently false.

All you have to do is look around and see that nearly every stupid stunt that you see some driver involved in, the cell phone is usually glued to the side of the head along with the requisite arm waving and gesturing.

Just the other day, I was on the freeway. Traffic was very light and moving along nicely. I was in the number two lane when I see a clown ahead of me going 40 MPH and weaving from on side of the lane to the other. Guess what?!?!? No need to explain. I pulled along side of him, and hit the horn. From the look on his face, he nearly soiled himself.

I tried using my cell while driving and I cannot do it. It's just too distracting for me.

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Just got back from a twelve hour drive to Nashville, and back.

It got to the point I would lay on the horn to screw with the idiots in the far left lane on cell phones and driving while texting. They would have a half a mile or more of I 40 West grid locked.... With out a clue as to the dangerous situation that was happening behind them.

I need a Mini paint ball gun.


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My wife has a GREAT idea. Arm all drivers with some sort of "spot welding" darts. Whenever someone does something stupid in a car, as in texting, cell phone talking, applying makeup, reading or whatever is a distraction, each driver has the right to shoot these darts at that idiot's car. As soon as the cops see more than three of these darts stuck to the idiot's car, he or she is taken off of the road and the car impounded. Actually, she thinks a ticket would do, but we all know that some folks do NOT learn by getting tickets.

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Guest Skyking
Just got back from a twelve hour drive to Nashville, and back.

It got to the point I would lay on the horn to screw with the idiots in the far left lane on cell phones and driving while texting. They would have a half a mile or more of I 40 West grid locked.... With out a clue as to the dangerous situation that was happening behind them.

I need a Mini paint ball gun.


Bill, on the way to & from the Macungie meet we experienced alot of traffic in Connecticut and New York. Most was stop & go. When the traffic started to move again there was nothing at all in sight causing the tie ups. My wife's first thoughts were someone up ahead must have been talking or texting. It made sense to me..............it was nerve racking!

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