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I think I've found a problem


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I've loaded several large threads in the last 5 minutes (about 6), then reloaded them. Twice on the second load I discovered the last posting had been left off of the first load. The posting could be several hours old or only minutes.<P>If I'd tried to post a message on the thread when it had failed to load the last posting, would it erase that previous posting by accident? Between the "Howard where are you" and "AACA Grandaddy.." threads it appears that something is dropping off the last post on a thread at times. <P>Peter, I think this one may be in you court. smile.gif

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Moon,<P>Something "accidently" getting deleted has never happened that i know of. Its probably that your reading a thread you've read previously, and when you reloaded it, it got the current.<P>Hope that helps.<P>Peter

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Just got off the horn with Peter - he's not sure if the problem may be one of the old browser problems or running out of space on the server. The new server landed on his desk today and he will spend a couple of weekends or less getting it online and hopefully some of these problems will no longer be problems. Hang in there!!

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

Dave,<P>I have experienced a similar "problem". I typically read the DF three times a day while at work; Morning Break, Lunch, and Afternoon Break. I used to leave my browser open after Morning Break and just minimize it. I noticed that when I maximized it at Lunch or Afternoon Break, that any new posts were not on there. "Refresh" would make it update, but I had to do this on every thread. I finally started closing the browser and re-opening it each time I want to read the DF.

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Guest BruceW

Of course we will...<BR>We have never had any reason to doubt the abilities and loyalty of the Administrators and Moderators of the DF!

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

Bill<P>One of our MIS guys told a co-worker of mine that he had been asked to write a "Big Brother" program to determine who was punching how many keys and how many times they click the mouse. I suppose they figure if your not punching and clicking then you must be sitting around shooting the bull. They probably keep up with who's on the web too.

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MODEL A HAL -- On my browser there is a setting (preferences->advanced->cache) for "checking document" and the options are "once per session" (default), "everytime", "never".<P>This tells your browser whether or not to reload the page from the server when you view it.<P><ul><BR>[*]<span style="font-weight: bold">Never</span> -- If your brower has a cached copy, never get it from the server.<BR>[*]<span style="font-weight: bold">Everytime</span> -- Always check the server for the changed date/time and compare it with the local cached copy. If the server's copy is newer, then get it.<BR>[*]<span style="font-weight: bold">Once per session</span> -- Only check each page the first time it is accessed in a session. A "session" is from the time you start the browser to when you exit it.<BR>

<BR>Sound like you have your browser set to "once per session"....

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